Chance me, I suppose.

<p>Everyone here seems to be kicking my butt in terms of credentials.</p>

<p>GPA (Unweighted): 3.95
GPA (Weighted): 4.61
AP classes (7 total including this year): US Gov't (3), US History (2) [but I got dual enrollment credit anyway, teacher essentially stopped teaching us..], Chemistry (4), Calculus AB (4), Language and Comp (5), [This year taking] Micro/MacroEcon, Lit/Comp
Rank: 26/369 (top 7%)
ACT: 31
National Merit Commended Student
AP Scholar with Honors
Music Performance (flute): 2 years as section leader; 6 Years attaining high chair placement in All-County band; Southeastern United States Honor Band Participant 2007, 2008, 2009; Auburn University Symphonic Honor Band 2008; Symphony Orchestra Side-by-side Concert Participant (only one selected); 2008 Macy's Great American Marching Band Participant; Tri-M Music Honor Society Member
Newspaper: Assistant Editor-in-Chief: assigning/writing articles, layout/graphic design, photography; Two honorable mentions in display photography at 2007 Florida Scholastic Press Association conference; Member of Quill and Scroll Honor Society
Internship:I intern at a local advertising firm where I am gaining experience in public relations and market research. I am responsible for writing press releases, compiling charts for an ad equivalency database, and managing two websites for clients.
Interact Club: President, lots of community service
Swing Dancing Club: President/Co-Founder
Other Clubs and Honor Societies:
Mu Alpha Theta member, National Honor Society member, French club</p>

<p>And my essays were about how my trip to France by myself helped me to discover myself as an individual and apply that to everything in my life (long essay)
The second was about how my AP Chem teacher opened my eyes to a subject I could have cared less about (but more indepth than that lol) (short essay)</p>

<p>Lemme know :) I'm hoping but no idea how to pay for it.</p>

<p>Any help would be nice…</p>

<p>In state or out of state?</p>

<p>In state- probably in
Out of state- slight reach</p>

<p>Out of State :(</p>

<p>(One of my uncles went there. What do they take into consideration as far as alumni brownie points? lol)</p>

<p>reach …</p>

<p>Uncles don’t count unless they have made an incredible donation ;)</p>

<p>I think your ACT is too low…for OOS I would look around a 33 to be def in </p>

<p>Your class rank is low also for UNCCH…even in state it is typically the top 10-15 kids in a class that size that gets accepted.</p>

<p>Finally those AP scores a 3 and a 2 don’t help.</p>

<p>Sorry for my anwer…but you know what I am not on the admission dept…just keep hoping</p>

<p>Yeah the class rank thing sucks because we’re all within like .005 of each other lol
It’s ridiculously competitive with the top 75 spots because they’re all like that</p>

<p>But thanks for the input :)</p>

<p>bump bumpity bump bump GRINDDD</p>

<p>possibly in…there are a lot of OOS students at carolina that are smart as hell, but they also show passion for activities outside of the classroom</p>

<p>they will look at ur essays and application in greater detail. hope for the best, you have a chance!</p>

<p>people that tell u your act score is too low/rank is too low don’t know what they are talking about.</p>

<p>I nearly got into wharton with a sub-2000 score while smart ass kids where getting rejected. I go to UNC now.</p>

<p>Thanks. Oh and I totally forgot to put in there (which would account for a lot of my free time) that I’ve held the same job at Baskin Robbins for almost 2 years now working between 20-30 hours during the week (in fact, I’m off to there in about half an hour lol)</p>

<p>ns347–how did you nearly get into wharton? what exactly does that mean?</p>

<p>teamam, I applied early decision to Wharton with horrendous academic credentials (my GPA was very high, but my high school was ridiculously easy). Anyhow, my sat score was around 1950ish, and my math score was really low compared to other sections. wharton recommended I take sat II math level II, well I was not that good at math and took level I and still got a pretty bad score ~620.</p>

<p>Compared to the other stats of the kids that applied ED (near perfect test scores, awesome GPAs, legacies, etc.) I should have been laughed at by the admissions committee.</p>

<p>But I did have a couple things going for me, I had a good amount of leadership experience and had won 1st place at business competitions, I also worked part-time 20 hours a week…other people that applied had great extracurrics also though…my essays were pretty good I would say, nothing amazing, but probably on-par with most applicants</p>

<p>When initial decisions came, aforementioned “peers” were getting straight up rejection letters. I was deferred, meaning I would be re-evaluated. I am assuming that they wanted to see if I could do something that would erase any of their concerns…which I am assuming was my math scores because Wharton is a business school after all…</p>

<p>but I knew I wouldn’t improve much by retaking the tests (I had already taken them a few times). I kept in contact with the admissions lady (Regional director) over and over, usually reaching her office. I one day received a call from her herself, and she suggested one way to improve my chances in regular decision was to re-take the standardized tests.</p>

<p>needless to say I didn’t do that. But I am at UNC now and its a pretty good decision I think. UNC is not perfect for everyone, but I am confident I am much happier here than I would have been at Wharton.</p>

<p>lol sorry for the long explanation, it’s kind of complicated</p>

<p>Don’t worry so much.</p>

<p>I attend UNC now, and what I’ve found is that CC is not nearly indicative of the type of student that I find there. That’s neither a good nor bad thing. I’m just saying that I really think the chance estimates and discussions here on CC often exaggerate the mysticism of the application process.</p>

<p>If you stuck to the fundamentals of the application process(essay, ECs, GPA) then you just have to wait.</p>

<p>But I think you’re in.</p>

<p>Thanks. Yeah this site (for the week or so that I’ve been on it…) has become a bit of an obsession for me. I have to check it about twice a day. Hah. I’m so worried that I’m going to be stuck at my safety school.</p>


<p>crush ur essays and good recs n it cud be a slight reach</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Afitscher and Sblogblah
Can you give me specific reasons? Especially if you can reference other threads…or people and the differences between.</p>

<p>I think the people that are saying it’s a reach for you are wrong. It looks like you’re an excellent student, so you should just relax.</p>