Chance me? international student

<p>Hi :) I'm applying to Yale, MIT, Brown, UPenn, and Dartmouth, and class them all as reach schools. My backups are in the UK.</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Race: South Asian
Nationality: British
Country of Residence: Tanzania (East Africa) [i've heard this helps]
Financial Aid: Yes [MIT, Yale, Dartmouth, are need blind for int'l students]
Want to Study: Economics</p>

School offers IB Diploma Programme, courses and predicteds:
English A1 SL (7)
Spanish ab initio (7)
Economics HL (7)
Physics HL (7)
Math HL (7)
Psychology SL (7)</p>

<p>Total predicted 45/45</p>

<p>SAT I: 2230
CR: 750
Math: 800
Writing: 680</p>

Math 2: 800
Physics: 800</p>

<p>Recommendations: I think they're excellent/very good, but not sure. From Math and Economics teacher. (Can I add an extra one that I received from someone not academically related to me?)</p>

<p>Essay: About multi-ethnicity.</p>

<p>ECs: rather weak..
Editor of school newspaper
Badminton for 3-4 years
Tennis for 9-10 years
Webmaster of a national community service organisation
Community Service, teaching blind and handicapped children English, for 1.5 years
Piano for 8 years, distinction in final grade of the ABRSM piano exams
Amateur pop music composer/producer
Human rights: fundraised and organised programs to help disadvantaged children
IAS Bronze award (completed hikes and other requirements)
Graduation School Band: 1 year
Floor Hockey, 2 years
Amani Forest Hike, 5 days
Piano Teacher: paid private piano teacher, 5 months</p>

<p>I think my ECs are the weakest part. Many thanks to any people who can give me feedback on my chances :)</p>

<p>PS: I'm new here, so if there's anything i've left out, please let me know. thanks!</p>

<p>bump please?</p>

<p>another bump?</p>

<p>+the fact that you’re from tanzania and you’re asian
+unbeatable IB score
+SAT IIs</p>

<p>hmm…ECs are not bad. In fact they are quite unique…a fresh change to the usual “uh…NHS member, Key club member.” However, you lack leadership. Are you captain of your tennis team? Etc.</p>

Yale - reject
MIT - reject
Brown - waitlist
UPenn - accept
Dartmouth - accept</p>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile:
I forgot to include that I’m applying to yale Early Action, not sure if that changes anything. I guess leadership is a sore point - only two of them.</p>

<p>Are you applying for financial aid? That makes things more difficult for you.</p>

<p>Yes I am applying for financial aid, but Yale, MIT, Dartmouth are needblind internationally.</p>

<p>yup, these colleges are need-blind for us internationals.</p>

<p>you should get into most of those schools, the fact that you are from Tanzania will help since colleges are looking to diversify their student population.</p>

<p>That’s what I hope, but my passport itself is British, so I’m not sure whether it’ll help as much as it could? My main essay plays up my Tanzanian connection though.</p>

<p>Edit: sorry, double post.</p>

<p>Last bump? :)</p>