Nigerian American
US domestic - US citizen
Male/ African American/ Nigerian
Adopted, first generation American, first to attend college (I mean technically??, was only recently adopted this year and I still connect with my biological family so)
Major: linguistics
UW 3.71
W 4.11
Class Rank: N/A
SAT: 1380 , 730 Math and 650 ERW
freshman year (was fostered at DC and went to a feeder school)
Honors English
Sophomore year (moved to MD)
Honors trig/maths analysis
Honors English 11
Honors US government
Advanced orchestra (worth 1 whole pt like an ap)
Honors Spanish 3
AP Music theory
(Dual enrollment French 3 (highest they offered) and Calculus 1 (passed with D’s, was bad due to family/legal circumstances )
Junior Summer
NSA sponsored Chinese language course dual enrollment with an A
Junior year
AP English Lang
Ap Microeconomics
AP Physics C: Mechanics
Advanced Chem (but plan to take AP exam)
AP Spanish Lang
Advanced Orchestra
AP Calculus AB (but plan to take the BC exam)
(Dual enrollment: Music performance class with director of the department and NSA sponsored language thingy—may be able to get an internship!!!)
exams without the course junior year
AP Chinese Lang
AP Japanese Lang
AP Chemistry
AP Calc BC
LARGE amount of community service hours via tutoring math to ESOL students / tutoring at local middle school’s music program
Honor Societies:
Spanish Honor Society
National Honor Society
Tri-M Mysic Honor Society
Participated in:
International Linguistic Olympiad (2years)
AMC 10/12 (2 years)
A couple of local music and writing competitions won!
Honor Societies:
Spanish Honor Society
National Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society
School mascot
Math team captain
Model UN
Mathematics tutor and translator in Spanish
Sexuality and Gender Alliance translator in Spanish
LORs should be good I believe, quite personable imo.
I’m not the clearest of writers. But I definitely have a LOT of material to work with (see hooks)
Government aid and qualify for financial need
Boston College
In order of most wanted for their program to least, I didn’t put Dartmouth too high because I just never got the chance to visit the campus and Brown under BC because I enjoyed the DP Syntax and semantics course I got to attend and Brown just didn’t spark as much interest to attending than BC.
An other recommendations would be good to add to list of considering for linguistics ! Keeping only reaches here as safeties are a different thing I’m not too into sharing at the moment.
Minority with a story:
Freshman year I was in the hospital for second semester due to mental health and family issues for over THREE MONTHS (resulting in me having a crushing 4.0 to a deadly 2.88
); family ditched me to the foster care system
then got housed with the best family in the world (previously known), delt with family deaths and depression second semester of sophomore year (hence the bad dual enrollment scores, but all a’s in hs that year!); finally adopted, in therapy and trying to move on junior year
Faced homelessness, group housing until a year ago and I think I still turned out alright
I plan on applying for QuestBridge so any helpful app hints would be amazing! I really think QB is my only shot at MIT and any of these reaches
I talked with counselor and they can help with explaining in my behalf concerns due to grades this year being A/B average and end if sophomore year due to custody battles and a whole lot of wounds reopening as they did a whole investigation and I had to go through hours of interrogations—I don’t want to waste an essay where I’m jumping needles to not throw a pity party and get a flat rejection so I asked my counselor for help lol
Planning to retake SAT, really wanting a 780+ and 730+ ERW
I think a friend summed it up kinda well, I have the back story but gosh darn it I just really need those stats Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ)—but idk
Plan to do Matchlighters program this coming May, is it worth it?