<p>Hello, I will be applying for college very soon and I would like some insight on my chances at Harvard and MIT. If possible, insights into my chances at other institutions including Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Northwestern University would be appreciated too.
My statistics go as following:</p>
Class Rank- N/A
GPA (Weighted on a 5.0 Scale)- 4.73
GPA (Unweighted on a 4.0 Scale)- 4.0</p>
<p>AP Courses Taken:
-AP European History- 5
-AP Physics B- 5
-AP English Language and Composition- 5
-AP Calculus BC- 5
-AP Spanish- 5
-AP US History- 5
-AP Biology- 5</p>
<p>Other Notable Courses Taken:
-4 Years of Spanish, Precalculus Honors, Geometry Honors, Chemistry Accelerated, Computer Programming Accelerated, Freshman English Accelerated, Sophomore English Accelerated</p>
<p>Courses for Senior Year:
-AP US Government, AP Macroeconomics, AP Statistics, AP Themes and Literature, AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, Honors Calculus III, Advanced Linear Algebra</p>
<p>ACT Composite Score: 36
ACT Writing Score: 10</p>
<p>SAT Score: None
PSAT Score: 228
SAT Subject Tests:
-Biology- 800
-Math II- 800
-US History- 780
-Spanish- 700</p>
<p>Academic Honors:
-National Merit Scholar Semifinalist (upcoming Sept.)
-Gold Honor Roll (every semester for the last 3 years)
-AP Scholar with Distinction
-Ambassador Award</p>
Attended the National Youth Leadership Forum Summer Session on Medicine</p>
<p>Stevenson High School Math Team:
<em>Member of the following squads</em>
-2009- Freshman/Sophomore Relay Team ICTM State Champion
-2009- Freshman/Sophomore 8-Person Team ICTM State 7th Place
-2010- Geometry Team ICTM State 8th Place
-2010- Freshman/Sophomore 8-Person Team ICTM State 3rd Place
-2010- Orals Team ICTM State 3rd Place
-2011- Algebra II Team ICTM State 3rd Place
-2011- Junior/Senior 8-Person Team ICTM State 3rd Place</p>
<p>Stevenson High School Scholastic Bowl (Quiz Bowl) Team:
-2009 JV Team Member
-2010 JV Co-Captain
-2011 Varsity Team Member
-2011 IHSA State Scholastic Bowl Competition 3rd Place
-2011 Masonic Illinois State Scholastic Bowl Team Champions
-2011 NAQT Illinois State Scholastic Bowl Team Champions
-2011 PACE NSC National Quiz Bowl 4th Place
-2011 NAQT National Quiz Bowl 4th Place</p>
<p>Cross Country Varsity Athlete
Cross Country Team Manager
Track and Field Varsity Athlete
Lake County Track Club Member </p>
<p>100+ Volunteer Hours at the Hospital</p>
<p>Worked as a Lifeguard the Summer of Junior and Senior Year
Worked as a Pool Leader and Swim Instructor Junior Year</p>