<p>I'm your average mid-class, both parents went to Roger-Williams, white, New England Girl (sucks in the diversity factor, i know)
I am barely out of the top 10% 18 out of 162
My school sends minimum students to great schools.
My SATS would be about (haven't taken them yet): 650 in all areas...
I have a 4.1 out 4.5 weighted avg (weird I know, my school is so bizarre) about a 4.0 unweighted
I have a good amount of awards, will have an AMAZING college essay- guarenteed
My excs are ok: captain of girls golf (10th,11th andto be 12th), habitat for humanity co-founder/co-pres, art honors social chair, play cello outside of school, NHS, Student council- dance committee chair, peer advocate- on executive board, youth in action (community service club) and 4-H since 8.
I took very uncompetitive courses freshmen year, tough classes sophmore and junior
I'm part of the Wesleyan University High School Scholar Program, stuying Russian (straight A's)
only 3 other AP's- u.s. history, english and bio</p>
<p>I want to double major in Archaeology and International Relations, minor in Russian</p>
<p>I have no idea where I want to go, SUGGESTIONS GREAT. I'm looking at UVM, UCONN, conn college, Miami-Oxford (saftey) and possibly Grinnell & Macalester (Reachs?)
<p>Beloit College Buccaneers
American University Eagles
George Washington University Colonials
Gettysburg College Bullets
Connecticut College Camels</p>
<p>Thank you! I was thinking about Beloit, Conn College and GWU. Any other suggestions will be highly appreciated!</p>
<p>PS: Smaller the college the better, that’s why I am on the edge about UVM and UCONN.</p>
<p>I will also be getting some of my historical research articles published in the local historical journal and have an internship with the state archeaologist this summer.</p>
<p>Thanks, but I don’t think I’d do well in an all-girls school but it’s a thought.</p>
<p>& Woops! Of course I’ll put more thought into my application spelling/grammar, I just typed this thing out in a few seconds. Thanks for the replies and suggestions (I was thinking about Denison…)</p>
<p>Good EC’s, I’d say you were in to UCONN, UVM and Miami. But, I’m not sure about Grinnell and Macalester- they are reaches. Your class rank is iffy, however the best of luck!</p>