Chance Me/Match Me - Vanderbilt , Emory (4.0/34 for pre-med)

While we await the answers to the above post, why 3 lab sciences senior year? Is orgo just one semester or two?

Regarding cost not being an issue, does that mean your family can pay $80K+ for some of these schools? And then fund med school?


To this point, Vandy admitted 4.2% RD.

@raja1974 So no one can tell you what you can do to get in.

But your 34 ACT is on the low side - as ridiculous as that is to say.

UGA with or without honors is a nice get. And given you want med school, youā€™d save a lot of $$.

What does this mean?


Make sure you have a well rounded academic profile. Vanderbilt, for instance, states they do not have any required minimum of certain hs courses. But they are probably looking for minimum 4 years math, 3 years foreign language, etc. Basically highest rigor possible. And if you are interested in the UC schools, make sure you have fulfilled their A-G requirements. Many STEM focused kids overlook the visual and performing arts requirement.

If you want to improve your chances and have a clear first choice, you can ED.

I would like to caution you on costs, given your current desire to apply to medical school. If you attend Emory and are full pay, your family will be spending approximately $300,000 + on an undergraduate education. If you attend medical school you need to add an additional several hundred thousand dollars; the exact cost depends on the school.

Thatā€™s a scary amount of money for many, and it might be best to keep your undergrad costs down. Medical schools do not care where you went to college.

$83702 for upcoming year so definitely the +. And college, in my opinion, costs more than they say.

Vandy $89,590.

Sounds like the family can afford. But would they want to if it doesnā€™t necessarily give you a leg up for med school ?

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Iā€™m hoping that @raja1974 will clarify exactly what his parents can and will pay annually for his undergrad college. Once that is clarified, we hopefully stop discussing affordability.

I will addā€¦I agree that this is a very very reachy list. As long as you will be happy to attend UAB or UGA if those are your only acceptances, then you can apply to all of those reach schools if you want to.

You DO have sure things school in UGA and UAB. But even so, I would suggest you read the thread Iā€™m about to link. Itā€™s on the older side, but really is a must read for students who are applying to elite schools only (and yes, I do know you have UAB on your listā€¦but everything else is a reach. Your thread reads like you really arenā€™t thrilled with UAB or UGAā€¦but good that you have those. The student in this thread was a very tippy top student, NMF, excellent ECs, etc. No one expected he would be rejected everywhereā€¦but thatā€™s what happened.

Iā€™m pointing you in this direction because I really think you need to know that acceptance to these reach schools is a crap shoot for just about everyone applying. If you donā€™t get accepted or doā€¦you will never know why.

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Until 10th grade:
AP Human Geography. - 5
AP Bio. - 5
AP Stats - 4
AP Comp - 4
AP Physics 1 - 4

I am not taking any Math in 12th grade. I took AP Cal AB/BC in 11th grade.

As noted, your list is reachy and nobody here can tell you whether you will get accepted. If you are ok attending UAB or UGA then you are good. If not, I would continue to research likely schools.

This does not take anything away from your achievements and strengths- congrats!

My family willing to pay $80K per year. As I completed AP Physics 1 , AP Physics 2 and AP Chem. I am taking next set of science courses in 12th grade.

Then youā€™re highly unlikely to be able to afford Emory or Vandy. They have limited merit. You shouldnā€™t ED.

Why these two vs others ? A U of Miami is in the same type, but is less competitive - still strong - and merit is far more likely.

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I completed Spanish 1 , 2 and 3.

The Zell Miller scholarship would cover about $6000 a year for this student at Emory. That should make the cost of attendance close to the $80 k per year budget.

Will you be taking Spanish 4? Some of these schools recommend up to level four of a foreign language. Recommend should be considered requiredā€¦as many applicants will have met this bar.

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I would encourage you to take math senior year rather than APES.


I was about to make the same comment. @raja1974 I see that you have already taken AP stats in addition to calc BC. I am assuming your school doesnā€™t offer post AP math? Does your high school participate in distance math with Georgia Tech? A lot of students in our suburban Atlanta school district are able to take multivariable and linear algebra through that program.

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This! And Spanish 4 instead of another science class.


Inflation. But ok. That helps. And college costs most more than they say.