<p>Unweighted GPA-3.86
English:33 Math:35 Reading:32 Science:30
SAT IIs: Math IIC:760 US History:690 <--do I have to send these?
Honors:Pre-calc, Chemistry, Biology
AP completed after senior year-
US History(5), European History(4), Physics, Calc AB(5) and BC(5), Language and Composition, Microeconomics, Statistics, US Gov, Comparative Gov.
ECs and Volunteer-
Piano for 9 years-2007 State contest winner
Co-founder of family business
Red Cross blood drive and safetymobile volunteer-100 hours
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce Internship-50 hours
Key Club Volunteer-50 hours
Intramural Sports-4 years
DECA business club
Job experience-Piano teacher</p>
<p>What are my chances for Tepper, Comp Science, and Info Systems(H&SS)? I'm interested in all three of these. Thanks.</p>
<p>Also, how do the ranking work on the supplement when we selecting our choices in preference? Do we need to write separate essays for each choice? Thanks.</p>
<p>Tepper- good chance just make sure you talk about your business club in your essay (business ec’s are very important)
IS (H&SS)- You will definitely get in (assuming your essays are ok)
CS- Reach, but you have a chance. (it is much more selective than the other 2, and I think you need to take a science sat II but im not 100% sure-id check that out)
And also send your sat II’s</p>
<p>thanks. Which would be easier for H&SS you think? Economics or IS? The reason I ask is because I can probably write a much better essay for IS, since it’s very career oriented and my experiences “fit” the major. However, I have trouble justifying why I would choose econ as a major, even though they have similar career potentials.</p>
<p>And in the supplement, I’m kind of confused with the question. It seems like it’s an ongoing sentence. “explain why you have chosen carnegie mellon your particular majors, departments, and programs.” So are we suppose to only justify why we chose a particular major and then provide more information, or explain WHY Carnegie Mellon AND why the major. Is it suppose to say “why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon to pursue your particular majors, etc etc”?</p>
<p>As far as sending your SAT IIs or not, I am pretty sure, and please let me know if I am mistaken, that the College Board sends ALL your scores and will not piece them out. So whatever your scores on whatever your tests, they all get sent when you ask the College Board to send scores. You cannot aks them to send some and not others.</p>