California (competitive public high school)
4.5 W 3.7UW
30 ACT
Good EC's work at crisis hotline, trained in suicide prevention
4 year baseball player
over 100 hours of community service every year of high school
also was research analyst for 7 Billion dollar hedge fund (Got employer to write letter of rec.)
Work as a tutor and as a Camp Counselor for a kids baseball camp
National Merit Scholar</p>
<p>Chance me please, Majoring in Finance
-NYU Stern (I know reach)
-Michigan LSA
-University of St. Andrews (Scotland)</p>
<p>National Merit is definitely impressive, as are your extra-curriculars. As long as your essays and recommendation letters are superb, I don’t think you should have too hard a time getting into a lot of the schools on your list. Good luck!</p>
<p>Michigan would be a reach since you are out of state. Northeastern is probably a high-match considering that a lot of people got deferred this year</p>
<p>NYU Stern: low reach
NYU CAS: High Match
BU: Match
NEU: Match
Michigan: Match
American: Low Match
GWU: Match
Not sure if SMU is saint mary or southern methodist or something else
Syracuse: Low match/safety
Not sure of Saint Andrews</p>