<p>College List:
Carnegie Mellon U
Duke U
Georgetown U
Northwestern U IL
U Calif Berkeley
U Calif Los Angeles
U Chicago
U Pennsylvania
U Washington
Washington U St. L.</p>
<p>Interests: Econ/Finance</p>
<p>GPA:3.977 (4.4 weighted)
Class rank: 8/552
Most demanding course load offered</p>
<p>APUSH (5)
AP Eng Comp (5)
AP Physics (4)
AP Stats (5)</p>
<p>Senior Year:
AP Lit
AP Chem
AP Gov
AP Calc AB</p>
President's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement</p>
<p>ACT: (32 Superscored)
31 (35 E,30M, 30R, 30S, 34E/W)
31 (35E, 30M, 29R, 31S, 35 E/W)
Retook a few days ago, believe I got a 32 or 33</p>
<p>SAT Subject Tests:
770 US History
690 Math II (re-taking, hoping to get 720+)
670 Physics (not sending other than to G-town)</p>
Paid Internship at Destiny Merchandising; Rogers HS Campus Manager. Work with various student organizations to design and sell apparel contracts. </p>
<p>Hiring Assistant at Microchip Autoglass: Hired and trained new employees to the windshield repair business. Have worked over 2 years and supported my family with the money.</p>
<p>VP of Rambassadors: Student leadership club.</p>
<p>DECA Student Store Director & DECA VP Assistant</p>
<p>Gallery Interpreter/Volunteer at Washington State History Museum: Conducted research for exhibition projects, over 200+ hours, varsity letter in community service</p>
<p>Washington Business Week Advanced Program: Chief Financial Officer of Company AA, placed 1st for best company overall</p>
<p>Geometry Tutor for 9th Grade: Raised student's grade from C to A over 6 weeks, 60 hours</p>
<p>Football 2 Years: Defensive MVP, Co-Captain</p>