<p>Im a Senior in high school. </p>
<p>Background information:
My public high school was ranked #125th in the nation and #20 in the state of CA. 72% of the student body participate in at least one AP class (most take about 3-5) Honors/APs both junior and senior year)
I have struggled with school since a very young age. I am enrolled in Learning Center but i am extremely independent (I only receive extended time for test and select assignments and flexible testing setting and classroom seating). When i entered high school i was automatically labeled and told i would be attending the local community college but i had different plans. After being diagnosed with a second learning disability Spring of Soph (2011) i was advised by the counseling office that i should not enroll in math for the next 2 years. But i knew that would make me ineligible for a four year school so i took the risk and i ended up proving them wrong. </p>
<p>GPA: 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale)
Classes (are in order by year 9-12)
English: (regular) English 1, 2 ,3 ,4
Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Math Analysis
History: World History, (none Soph), US History, Gov/Econ
Language: German 1, 2, 3 (dropped german 3 at end of the first quarter of Jr.)
Science: (none Fresh), Biology, Geology, AP Environmental Science
Electives: Learning Center/Resource, Staff Assist., Art 1, AP/Advance Digital Photography</p>
Church Ministry: 8 years of altar serving; Children's Liturgy teacher; Bible Camp group leader
Sports: Coxswain for Oakland Strokes Novice Mens Team (Fall of 2011) (it was 17+ hours a week... kind of killed my GPA)
Clubs: Founder/President of the Photography Club*
*I spend about 750 minutes in the photography class room a week, I am very involved in the program. I take inventory of equipment, as well as, teach the photo 1 students and help the Adv/AP students with their work</p>
Underclassmen Academic Achievement Awarded in the Subject of PE 10 (spring 2011)
(only one student out of about 340 kids for each program can be selected by the entire department)
Underclassmen Academic Achievement Awarded by the Mathematics department in the subject of Algebra 2 (spring 2012). </p>
Participated and Completed Kennolyn Camps 3 year invitational counselor training program
CILT- Camper in leadership training
CIT- Counselor in training
JC- Junior counselor </p>
I took the ACT 4 times. I did not take the SAT. I received extended time, meaning that i got about 6-7 hours to finish the whole test (including the writing).
Best Score:
Composite- 26
English- 24
Math- 24
Reading- 30
Science- 25
Combo Eng/Writing- 25 (Writing 10 out of 12)*
*received a 12 out of 12 on a previous date i tested unfortunately my composite turned out as a 22</p>
<p>Im applying to four-year, private, out-of-state, colleges ONLY.
Miami University <a href="Oxford,%20OH">my sister is currently a senior there</a>
Mount Saint Marys University (Emmitsburg, MD)
Berry College (Rome GA)
Franciscan University ( Steubenville, OH)
Tusculum College (Greeneville, TN)</p>
<p>Possible Majors: Environmental Science (minor in Geology), Animal Science, Education, Youth Ministry</p>
<p>I have family that have gone to Northwestern grad (my mother+father), Duke undergrad (aunt+uncle+Cousin), Vanderbilt undergrad (aunt), Whitman undergrad (father)
I have 4 siblings in college so i know how this all works... its a mean cruel world</p>