Chance me: OR senior, 3.93 GPA, top 2.7% [Cognitive Science or Applied Psychology, first gen, needs full aid, divorced parents]

Another thing, am I allowed to apply for EA to colleges, even with QB in progress? I know I can’t do ED, and the info I’m seeing says EA has to wait too, but if EA is non binding, why do I have to wait?

Here is the EA policy. The answer is generally no, with several exceptions:

Looks like finalist decisions are released today on your Manage page:

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Yeah I know it’s today, but I didn’t know what TIME lol. I was nervous, appropriately, but maybe they don’t have an exact time they’ll release decisions?

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:man_in_lotus_position::hugs: FINGERS CROSSED!!! :heart::hugs:
Please let us know when you feel ok sharing the results, whatever they are. We’re all rooting for you.

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Responses are out!!! hmdlh, I’m a finalist. I’m so happy!!!

Thank you guys!


Woohoo! Congratulations!

Woohooooooohooo!!! :confetti_ball::clap::bouquet::star_struck::green_heart:
Very happy for you. Well-deserved.
Cake for all tonight! (Or ice cream or makrub or…)
What are your next steps/dates?

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Thank youuuu! I know this is just the first step, but still happy. My dads downplaying it lol, which is to be expected, but I shall still eat cake or whatever looks the junkiest/sweetest in my fridge, even if I’m alone.

I have to get all my applications to the colleges in by November 2nd, I believe?

The calendar looks like it all is due by November 1.

Some schools may want CSS financial forms from your parents, so be sure to get that started if you haven’t. And your guidance counselor will have to send in transcripts. Time to get your whole team of adults moving in the same direction! It’s not just you doing the work now.

Congrats! Very exciting!


For sure! I’m getting to work already.

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As long as it’s with cake!

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Yes… there always should be cake. That shouldn’t even be a question. I’m genuinely really hungry now, thank you for reminding me of the absence of sugar filled foods n my fridge (my sister has type 1 diabetes so my mom doesn’t let sugar anywhere near even me, alas)

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You can celebrate tomorrow with a 7-11 chocolate bar :hugs:

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Even that sounds so good right now, I'm tempted. 
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All the people here would gladly send you a celebratory cake if we could.
You can legitimately feel proud of yourself, being a QB finalist is a form of national recognition. :sparkles::medal_military::crown:


Sending you good thoughts. Stay strong. :sunny:
UOregon Clark Honors essay due Nov 1, I assume you’re probably using the QB essay … and check with your gc, transcript/test scores (if not already on transcript) and other external documents should be sent ASAP so they can be received by Nov15.


Thank you!!! Y’all are amazing.

I’ve been working on all of my apps, and most of them already have most parts uploaded, via my Questbridge submission, but I’m slowly checking off each college’s needs. I’m making progress!! Thank youuu


Okay, another question. A few of the colleges are asking for current grades, or a reflection of recent grades. Do they expect grades that are like… perfect at this point? Because for me, my grades are a process, and a few of them are like, low B’s lol, just because I didn’t finish some of the assignments that were due a few days ago. What do you think?