Chance me: OR senior, 3.93 GPA, top 2.7% [Cognitive Science or Applied Psychology, first gen, needs full aid, divorced parents]

Did you already receive a quarter report card?

Not yet. My school doesnā€™t really talk about anything but the biyearly report cards for each semester, so Iā€™m not sure if they even do them more often, unless Iā€™ve gone this long without knowing.

Outside of Questbridge, you donā€™t usually have to update grades until after the semester is over. But Questbridge might be different? I donā€™t know.

Do you get mid-term grades? Not an official report, but are your semester grades divided into parts at all? In other words, if you have grades for an interim period that ended September 30, that would probably be a recent enough reflection of current grades, if those were As.

My daughterā€™s school used to divide semester grades into three different pieces, but only the cumulative grade was final and reported, so I thought I would ask.

Otherwise, is there any way you can turn in your assignments and get an updated grade before turning in your application?

This is not necessarily true. Some schools, including some QB schools, do contact HS counselors for quarter grades/current grades (so before the first semester is over) for those applying ED/EA/SCEA/REA/rolling.

What schools are asking? QB ones? And whom did they ask? I assume your counselor?

Get those assignments in ASAP and ask your counselor to wait to provide grades until the updated assignements are reflected in your grades.

Is there a way for you to turn in these missing assignments ASAP so they count for 1st quarter (I assume it ends Oct 31 but well before grades are due)? If colleges are asking for grades it means theyā€™re considering you but they want to see Fall semester results in your harder coursework and probably expect A work (A, A-). So the quarter grades (typically=9 weeks of school) should probably be sent soon. See your GC, explain youā€™re turning in some work now, can they send the grades once the asignments have been graded and added to your quarter grade?


Iā€™ve been working on my assignments, I believe the quarterly report card comes out November 3d.

Something else Iā€™ve just realizedā€¦ Sooo, I applied to some colleges before Questbridge, and kind of forgot about them. Until my counselor and I thought about it and realized, it probably goes against the match agreements listed on the form, because they said no EA submissions UNLESS they are required for some reason. I just submitted that application because I was told I had a much higher chance of being accepted, and could choose the dorm situation I wanted earlier in, which is pretty important for me. What should I do? It isnā€™t binding, Iā€™d figure out if I did get in in December, and in my common sense department I was just thinking ā€œit wonā€™t change anything, if I actually get matched, which would be unlikely, then I just disregard the other acceptance letter, but if I donā€™t, at least I have plan b.ā€

I think youā€™re worrying for no reason, perhaps as a way to displace actual stress. :hugs::hugs:
Isnā€™t EA at instate public universities ok? Are you talking about something else?
AFAIK QB typically allows as many EA at your instate public universities as you wish + any early or priority application required for special programs (LLCs, honors college, researchā€¦) and scholarships/fellowships that have an 'early" or ā€œpriorityā€ date as long as, if youā€™re admitted to your ranked QB choices, you can decline these acceptances. What you cannot do is apply EA to nonQB private colleges.
Not sure how youā€™d be in contradiction with these instructions, unless you applied to any OOS public university without applying to their scholarship/honors programsā€¦ which would not make any sense.

ETA -found the exact page

Exceptions to the QuestBridge Early Application Policy

  • Students may apply to any college or university that requires an early application for eligibility to special scholarships or programs, as long as the admissions decision is non-binding.
  • Students may apply to their home-state public college or university with a non-binding early application option, as long as applying to QuestBridge does not violate that collegeā€™s policies.
  • Students may apply to any college or university with a non-binding rolling admission process.

Yeah, you caught me. I have anxiety lol, so might be making problems where none are due, but I just want to make sure Iā€™m totally prepared in ANY situation. Everythingā€™s all settled now, though, so I can finally take a calming breath and hope for the best come December.

ya rabbi sa3idnišŸ˜­


I have a quick question- so basically everythingā€™s done, but in reference to my financial forms specifically, Iā€™ve been getting numerous notifications from the colleges I ranked that my financial aid checklist is still in need of a w-2 form. The problem with this is that my family doesnā€™t HAVE a w-2. We have a k-9, because my father is not an employee, but is self-employed. The k-9 is uploaded, but if the need for the w-2 isnā€™t fulfilled, does that make a problem?

Iā€™m going a little insane with this college stuff istg, Iā€™ve been having the same dream for like the past four days about getting an acceptance letter or whatever they do on Dec 1st, and then figuring out later on that it was a mistake lol. Itā€™s been fun.

Another thing, does anyone know how match results are given out? Is it by email, questbridge website, phone, etc?

I would call the aid office, explain, and get guidance. Iā€™m sure easily correctable. Perhaps thereā€™s a box to check you are missing.

Let them tell you.

Thatā€™s why they are there.


Yep, it was fixed.

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One of the schools is asking for CURRENT grades, and here I am just stressing over an F I have. Yes. An F. Yes, this F is to be expected in said class, but I feel like, if someone just looks over my report, theyā€™ll just figure Iā€™m failing. This is NOT the case. The class is a medical assisting prep course, and I get an A once I take the test in January. I have no other choice, I canā€™t do anything about it. Hopefully the person looking at my report knows about the class.

Do you think a college would share that sort of thing with other schools? Like, they see I have an F, and go tell everyone else, and then nobody wants to take me lol.

I would see if your guidance counselor can submit an explanatory note with your current grades.

Are you saying that the course reflecting an F grade does not indicate that the student failed to successfully complete assignments; rather, the course requires the student to accumulate points over the course of the term and it is not possible to accumulate enough points to achieve a passing grade until after the final exam?

If so, that is exactly what your counselor should say.


If what youā€™re saying is correct, the school needs to make the college aware. It seems something easily explainable although I find it hard to believe that a student is shown as an F - there must be more to it.

And no, they arenā€™t talking about you with other colleges.

I donā€™t know if you know about Career Ed, but itā€™s the same as that. Yes, itā€™s a thing lol, Iā€™m not lying about it. Youā€™re given optional study guides, but the A comes with passing the CMAA along with four practice tests. Iā€™ve done two of those practice tests, passed both, but the other two arenā€™t due yet and show up as 0s in my gradebook, even though they are NOT available yet. I hope that clears it up for you a little.

Then you either provide a document that states this or have a counselor or teacher submit a note.

That said, itā€™s not a core class and might not be evaluated anyway.

Iā€™m just saying - youā€™re not the first or the last - so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way to have it handled.

But make sure you are proactive about it.


They wonā€™t. So, your GC MUST write a note --highlighted as Important ā€“ explaining what the class is, how itā€™s exam based with exam in January that youā€™re expected to get an A in with F as a placeholder till exam results are in / itā€™s a pass/fail class depending on one single proficiency exam that youā€™re expected to pass with flying colors and the F is the default till exam results are in.
** contact your gc as this note needs to be sent before Thanksgiving break**


omg alhumdulilah I got the results I matched to Wesleyan!!! Iā€™m in shock


Well-done!and SO happy for you!



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