<p>Hi. I am obviously well aware that however you guys respond to this is not an actual indication of where I will get it, but I am still curious.</p>
<p>So I really really want to go to Brown, it's my dream school. Other schools that I'm looking into are Tufts, WashU, Duke, Northwestern, UChicago... I haven't decided yet where I will be applying (I'm a junior) but those are the type of schools I'm aiming towards.</p>
<p>Also, please keep in mind that I'm from Canada, and we don't have the same type of preparation for the SATs and our university admission process is extremely different, so please bare with me. :) Thanks so much in advance!!</p>
<p>School Courses:
I take basically the most difficult course load my school offers (we don't have APs or anything though) which is a double curriculum - half day is in English and the other half day is in Hebrew, which I am fluent in. (Each student takes around 11 courses. You can imagine that we have an extremely long day.)
As of now my average is a 93% and I am definitely in the top 10% of my class (of around 275ish people)</p>
I took the SATs for the first time in January and my score was 2100. (700 M, 690 CR, 710 WR) I realize this isn't an amazing score, but I retook them yesterday and am hoping I did better.
I haven't taken SAT IIs yet, but I'm planning on writing Math and Lit in June.</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities:
- Varsity Basketball (captain, our team has won many international tournaments)
- Varsity Rugby
- DECA (won first place two years in a row at provincial level)
- Editor-in-chief of yearbook
- Athletic Council (will most likely be president next year)
- Lifestyles (this is a community service type program where we are go to middle schools to talk about drugs/alcohol, eating disorders..etc. in high school)</p>
<p>Other Info:
- I have had a few short stories published and have won a few writing competitions.
- I have also won some other academic awards
- I do a lot of volunteer work, including coaching a local middle school basketball team and working at a homeless shelter (both on a weekly basis)
- I work as a swim instructor (I've had this job for the past 3 years)
- If I do say so myself, I'm a very good writer, so I'm sure my essays will be good.</p>
<p>Thanks so much! I appreciate any comments.</p>