Chance me Please! RD 2023 / Fall 2019

State: California
Major: Political Science
SAT: 1440 but went Test Optional
GPA: 3.43 U/W 4.43 W
AP: AP Calc BC (2) AP US History (3) AP English Language (4) AP Seminar (3) AP Calc AB (2) AP Biology (4) AP European History (3) AP Chinese (5) AP Physics 1 (3) AP US Government (5)
(N/A means I am taking it this upcoming May)
Honors: All classes except 9th grade Mandarin, and 10th grade Film Studies
Senior Grades: Some As with a few Bs and maybe Cs.
Extracurriculars: Attorney and Witness for multiple years in Mock Trial.
Service: Interned at a courthouse under a federal judge for the summer of my Junior Year.

did you get in?