Chance me? Please? Seriously, do it.

<p>Okay... so my goal is Princeton, and I want to do anything I can to improve my chances. If you think I have no chance, then any recommendations of colleges? Chance me for Duke, Stanford, University of Florida..?</p>

<p>Sophomore (Pre-IB)
Freshman year GPA 5.0: SpanishII, GermanI, Geometry, AlgebraII, AP World History, English, and Biology
Sophomore year, expecting 5.0, Pre-Calc, AP Statistics, SpanishIII, GermanII, AP European History, AP Human Geography, English, and Chem</p>

Piano, 13 years
Piano teacher, 2 years (only six students)
Volunteer at research/aquarium center 1 year + through HS</p>

<p>Clubs - no leadership positions :(
Key Club
Habitat for Humanity Club
Coexistence Club
thinking of joining engineering club
thinking of founding a club that involves playing piano and other instruments at nursing homes and such</p>

Crew (+ I'm a six ft tall girl)</p>

<p>Also another question if anyone has any thoughts. Between the IB program and another school in my area that is gifted, ranked in the top ten in the US, and sends kids to Ivy league schools more often, would I have a better chance there? (would it negatively effect me switching schools also?)Or does the IB program get more rigorous in Junior and Senior year?</p>

<p>Thank you guys so much :)</p>

<p>Don’t post a chance thread before you’ve even started your sophomore year. Wait until you’re a junior or senior, and have taken your SAT’s or ACT’s.</p>

<p>I know… I regretted it shortly after posting. I was just wondering what sort of ECs I should do really… But CC doen’t let people delete posts.</p>