Chance me, Please, tamu 2022

I am applying to Texas A&M (College Station) for Fall 2018 for a dual major in Genetics and Biochemistry, please chance me.
GPA: 3.799
SAT (retaking it this month): 1190
Race: White
Low Income (my EFC is 0 but idk if tamu looks at that)
By the end of senior year I will have 51 transferrable college credits not including AP but I’m not planning on accepting all of them
I’m not planning on taking my ACT (should I? I’m afraid I’ll do poorly and wont have time to retake it, will it hurt me if I don’t?)
Rank 87/150 (one of the top 50 schools in Texas, best school in my city)

Extra curriculars:
HOSA (3 years)
Athletic Training (3 years)
Theater (2 years)
Double T (1 year)
NHS (1 year)

Leadership Positions:
HOSA (secretary freshman and sophomore year, president junior year, treasurer upcoming year)
Athletic Training (wrestling head trainer junior year, head trainer senior year)
Theater (on the Board of Senior Theater Students, lead actress all 3 years)

Your SAT score places you at about the 25th percentile in terms of scores, but you have a great GPA. How many honors-level/AP courses did you take? A rigorous course load with that GPA would supplement your test scores. You shouldn’t take the ACT if you feel it will hurt your chances; SAT scores alone are just fine. Your extracurriculars are very good as well. If you write some good essays, I’d say you have a good shot at admission, especially if you bump your SAT score by about 100 points.

Your SAT score places you at about the 25th percentile in terms of scores, but you have a great GPA. How many honors-level/AP courses did you take? A rigorous course load with that GPA would supplement your test scores. You shouldn’t take the ACT if you feel it will hurt your chances; SAT scores alone are just fine. Your extracurriculars are very good as well. If you write some good essays, I’d say you have a good shot at admission, especially if you bump your SAT score by about 100 points.

Last year I took 4 dual credit classes, and next year I am taking another 4 dual credit classes and 2 AP classes. Freshman and sophomore year i had a total of 7 pre-AP classes. Next year I am also taking a class that will allow me to get a pharmacy technician certification when i turn 18 (pre-med high school).

@rosemary4455 - You have a wonderful GPA and your ECs are excellent. The only thing that is hard is that TAMU looks at class rank for admissions. There are three ways for freshman admissions: top 10% rank auto-admissions; top 25% rank + 1360 (or higher) SAT or 30 (or higher) ACT; review admissions that go through a holistic review process. TAMU also offers alternative admissions, such as Blinn or Gateway. I wouldn’t rule out either one of these programs because they have good reputations for being successful with students. You had mentioned taking the ACT. I think that might be a good option to increase your chances. It sounds like you have had a lot of classes, and success, in math and science. The ACT is heavy in both those subjects and you could shine on that test. You sound very determined and I wish you all the best.

@thehauntedmattress sorry didn’t tag you

@rosemary4455 I think your class rank puts you in the 3rd quartile (below the 50th percentile) and it is very unlikely to get full admittance or even Blinn Team with this. I would definitely retake the SAT and try the ACT. Write some crazy good essays with good stories of overcoming hardships! Show your personality. Is there a reason you want to study Genetics or go to Medical School? People often get Gateway admissions when they have hardship situations. Best of luck:)

Chance my daughter please! Fall 2018.
ACT 30 retaking it October
GPA 4.67
Class Rank 3rd in 270
1/4 Hispanic
EC Track Varsity 3 years, Varsity Cross Country 1 Year
Volunteer: 4 Years (50 weeks , 5 days a week , 2hours a day, Coaching Children’s Long Distance Running Program)

@FSUdad93 Did she not qualify as an academic admit with the sub scores?

In state, OOS, and international can qualify for academic admit.

Okay thanks, Academic Admit she qualifies, even though OOS.