<p>Hey Everyone! As a rising high school senior SCARED about admissions process, I would like to know my chances at the following schools:
- UC Davis/UCLA/UCB/UCSD/UCSB [in state btw]
- Privates: Swarthmore [TOP CHOICE!], Johns Hopkins University, Emory, Rice
- Weighted GPA : 4.0/4.1
- Course Rigor [Pretty much to maximum rigor at my school], 2 APs sophomore, 4 APs junior, All other classes were honors, Also self studied for 2 APs junior year
SENIOR YEAR: 4 APs, 2 regular classes
- AP scores: 4 on euro, pretty sure got 4-5s on the ones junior year....probably 3 in chem though :(
- ACT : 32, SAT: 2210</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars: MY STRENGTHS!</p>
<li> President of UNICEF Club
1. Best Buddies Program Membership: e-Buddies writing a pen pal letter to a child with disabilitiies</li>
<li> Raising Awareness Against Diseases Club Service Learning Commissioner</li>
<li> Class Student Council </li>
<li> Junior State of America: Newspaper writer, Activities Commissioner, State Cabinet officer, Activism Agent</li>
<li> Speech and Debate Team</li>
<li> National Honor Society/California Scholarship Federation member</li>
<li> S.U.R.F (Students United Representing FUSD) - School Representative</li>
<li> Youth Advisory Commission (Teens selected to serve alongside City Mayor) District Representative</li>
<li> Washington Hospital Medical Explorers Program - did job shadow</li>
<p>-Work as cashier at Ice Cream store
- Volunteer at RMH (house for very ill kids) - started my own program there [I used to actually be a resident when I was ill so I decided to go help out bc I know what they're going through]
- Probably going to be research assistant w/local children's hospital [fingers crossed!]</p>
<p>Essays and Rec: don't know yet but my teachers say I am a great writer. My work is really quirky and refreshing. I get embarrassed bc it stands out too much sometimes, lol. As for recs, my English and history teachers LOVE me so I think I can get a strong rec.</p>
<p>I know my gpa is low but I really do work hard. My dream is to be a doctor and serve in the doctors without borders program helping residents of third world countries and that's why my ECs are related to medical/saving the world things.</p>