Chance please! Will chance you back :)

<p>Hey Everyone! As a rising high school senior SCARED about admissions process, I would like to know my chances at the following schools:
- UC Davis/UCLA/UCB/UCSD/UCSB [in state btw]
- Privates: Swarthmore [TOP CHOICE!], Johns Hopkins University, Emory, Rice
- Weighted GPA : 4.0/4.1
- Course Rigor [Pretty much to maximum rigor at my school], 2 APs sophomore, 4 APs junior, All other classes were honors, Also self studied for 2 APs junior year
SENIOR YEAR: 4 APs, 2 regular classes
- AP scores: 4 on euro, pretty sure got 4-5s on the ones junior year....probably 3 in chem though
- ACT : 32, SAT: 2210</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: MY STRENGTHS!</p>

<li> President of UNICEF Club </li>
<li>Best Buddies Program Membership: e-Buddies – writing a pen pal letter to a child with disabilitiies</li>
<li> Raising Awareness Against Diseases Club Service Learning Commissioner</li>
<li> Class Student Council </li>
<li> Junior State of America: Newspaper writer, Activities Commissioner, State Cabinet officer, Activism Agent</li>
<li> Speech and Debate Team</li>
<li> National Honor Society/California Scholarship Federation member</li>
<li> S.U.R.F (Students United Representing FUSD) - School Representative</li>
<li> Youth Advisory Commission (Teens selected to serve alongside City Mayor) – District Representative</li>
<li> Washington Hospital Medical Explorers Program - did job shadow</li>

<p>-Work as cashier at Ice Cream store
- Volunteer at RMH (house for very ill kids) - started my own program there [I used to actually be a resident when I was ill so I decided to go help out bc I know what they're going through]
- Probably going to be research assistant w/local children's hospital [fingers crossed!]</p>

<p>Essays and Rec: don't know yet but my teachers say I am a great writer. My work is really quirky and refreshing. I get embarrassed bc it stands out too much sometimes, lol. As for recs, my English and history teachers LOVE me so I think I can get a strong rec.</p>

<p>I know my gpa is low but I really do work hard. My dream is to be a doctor and serve in the doctors without borders program helping residents of third world countries and that's why my ECs are related to medical/saving the world things.</p>


<p>I think your chances are very good! Your ECs are nice. Not the most outstanding things I’ve ever seen on CC but very good. I would need to know what your unweighted GPA was to better assess…hmm…decent test scores but maybe take a few SAT subject tests in areas you know you will do well in to boost your numerical stats. AP curriculum is admirable to me since I have few APs, but its true value would depend on how many APs your school offers. Your post showed hints of hardship such as working a part-time job, recovering from an illness, etc., but I couldn’t get a clear picture on who you were. Make sure that you really show that in your college essays since such stories could give your accomplishments context and more meaning. Best of luck! Chance back!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;