Chance me please

<p>Hey I'm a new member and this is my first post. I'd like to see my chances for various colleges</p>

<p>Here are some of my top choices
University of Chicago

<p>Grade: Junior
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: African American and White
Cumulative GPA: 4.0
I go to a big public high school in California. My school usually sends a handful of kids to top notch schools like Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley.</p>


<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>English HP
Geometry HP
French 2
Freshmen Seminar (required history class)
Biology HP</p>

<p>Sophomore Year</p>

<p>English HP
French 3
Algebra II HP
Chemistry HP
World History (school doesn't offer honors)</p>

<p>Junior Year</p>

<p>AP Lang
French 4 HP
AP United States History
HP Pre Calc/ Calc A</p>

<p>Senior Year (tentative)</p>

<p>AP Lit
AP Economics
AP Calc BC
French 5 HP
Journalism </p>

<p>SAT scores: 1860 I took it in March but I'm definitely going to study and retake it in the fall
SAT II: French 720, US 690</p>

*Delians-my school's honor society which I have been a part of for 4 year
*French Club-member for 3 years and will continue next year + I am Vice President
*Multicultural Cooking Club-I am treasurer of this club
*Racial Harmony-I participated in a retreat where we talk about race and identity
*Project Safezone-same thing as the one above except we talked about homophobia and gender roles
*ECI Summer Homestay-I spent 2 weeks in France with a host family and this summer I am hosting a member of their family
*Figure skating-I have been figure skating for 3 years now and making good progress
*I am a member of the National Society of High School Scholars </p>

<p>Extra stuff
*I am going to work really hard on my essays and applications this summer and will have the head of the English department at my school write me one of my letters of rec. </p>

<p>Chance me please!!!!</p>

<p>Bowdoin’s SAT optional so lower SAT’s won’t hurt you applying there. I envy your gpa, though is your cumulative weighted or unweighted? If unweighted I’d say Bowdoin (with your stats as they are now) is probably a good fit.</p>

<p>Princeton and Williams will be a reach depending on your SAT scores. Vassar and Middlebury are right under them but definitely more attainable. Just because I am also very interested in Vassar (chance me!), they seem to lean towards applicants who an strongly convey their passions to set them apart. I would assume this to be the same case for the other top tier schools. I think that would help a lot too. Luck! :)</p>

<p>My gpa is unweighted. Weighted its about 4.33
Thanks to both of you and best of luck with college admissions</p>

<p>Please, anyone else? I’m kind of freaking out because my SAT scores are meh even though I’m going to take it again.</p>

<p>I will chance back!</p>