<p>Chance me for JHU. I am a male white canadian citizen. I know French and had to learn English when I moved to USA. I take spanish in High school. I live in Wisconsin: Public school. I want to go in pre-med or major in a science(bio).</p>
<p>SAT Subject Tests- will take math 2 and Chem next month
ACT 31 composite. ( E 33, M 32, R 27, S 31) 10 on writing
I am taking the ACT again next month.
GPA 4.0
Class rank- 1
AP Classes- AP Chem (4), AP calc AB (5), AP comp and lit (didn't take test)</p>
<p>Senior year classes-AP bio, AP psych, AP calc BC, physics, Spanish, comm arts, band</p>
<p>Extra curriculars-
Medical Mentoring program
Math league
Link Crew
Pep Band
Marching band
FC magic club soccer
Varsity Soccer for all 4 years. Have played for 14 years.
Church league basketball team
Flaming shockers indoor soccer team</p>
Club state champs
Club finalist
Region 2 us soccer third place for club
Highschool soccer finalist(junior year)
Score a 1 on solo and ensemble clarinet choir
Published in a national poetry book </p>
Volunteer in inpatient surgery prep at local large hospital
Region 2 us soccer tournament volunteering</p>
<p>Let me know what my chances are and suggest any schools or tips to help me out. Be honest I need all the help I need. I am serious about medicine. My safety school is UW- madison. Thank you!</p>
<p>There’s no “pre-med” major at Hopkins. Look at the link bonanza provided in your other thread. You can honestly major in pretty much anything you want, as long as you take the classes that you’ll need to get into med school (orgo, physics, calc, etc). The top three majors of people I knew who are now in med school were public health, BME, and bio, but I do know a couple people who were like, English, and are now in med school.</p>
<p>No one can predict whether or not you’ll get into Hopkins, but your stats are good. How good is your Spanish? </p>
<p>You seem to have an interesting mix of ECs, what with the sports and medical/research interests (I love that one of your teams was called the Flaming Shockers… HAHA). I’d take the opportunity on essays/app/interview to expand on that and highlight it. </p>
<p>I honestly would NOT suggest going to Hopkins if you want to get into Hopkins med school. They do take fewer people from Hopkins undergrad and it is considered harder to get in if you are an undergrad at Hopkins (YMMV, but this is what I heard from both students and professors – I worked under the dean of the med school for a while as well). I do know many people from Hopkins undergrad who are now in med schools – many in very good med schools (Yale, Stanford, etc), but I honestly can’t think of someone who went to undergrad with me who is now in HOPKINS med school. But make of that what you will. </p>
<p>Have you visited the campus? I suggest you visit the school, do an interview if you can swing it, do some of the potential student/visitor programs. That way you’ll get a better feel for the school.</p>
<p>Do u know any ivies or other top schools that do have a pre-med program? And yeah our Tshirt for flaming shockers was hilarious
and thank you do much. Are you at Hopkins now?</p>
<p>I am not looking to get necessarily into Hopkins med school, but more so into an undergrad school that will help me get into a good med school. And usually if you go to their undergrad school, it is easier to get into their med school… It is ofd that this isn’t the case for Hopkins…</p>
<p>There is no such thing as a “Pre-med” major at any university. You major in something and also take the “pre-med” classes that get you ready for med school. The Hopkins name definitely would give you a boost when applying to med school</p>
<p>That’s good. Any other school such as WashU that are good science schools and have a good name for medical schools?</p>
<p>FDS, I graduated from Hopkins with a bachelor’s in 2011 and again with an MHS in '12. </p>
<p>WashU is very good. I would actually suggest some state universities as well. You are in Wisconsin; University of Wisconsin and UMich are both good science and engineering schools, and UWis has an excellent medical school. Penn State is also a (suprisingly) great school for science and engineering majors. The tuition would also be substantially less at a state school. </p>
<p>I am not sure about Ivies, to be honest. </p>
<p>Hopkins can be good preparation for med school, depending on your major, and the name is certainly recognizable.</p>