Chance Me please

<p>So I'm a senior from Oklahoma with
-a 3.55 unweighted/ 4.32 weighted GPA
-28 on the ACT
-1710 on the SAT (w-580 r-580 m-550)
-Currently enrolled in 2 AP classes and will have taken 8 by the time of graduation
- Class rank 49/407 unweigheted 14/407 weighted
-Extracurricular actvities: National Honour Society, Health Occupation Student of America, A member of the leadership course at GPTC, Marching band (section leader), Concert band (first chair, Principle Trumpet), Quiz Bowl, Academic Decathlon (Member of the 2012 and 2013 state champion team) ,French Club, Spanish Club
- I have recieved both superior and excellent ratings in District Solo and Enemble on trumpet.
-Im an AP Scholar with Distinction I've passed the AP tests in
Human Geography-5
European History-3
English Lang &Comp-3
And im currently enrolled in AP Calculus AB and AP English Literature and Composition
- I've volunteered at my church and with Spanish club although not a lot
You should know I qualify for instate grants thanks to my mother. Can anyone tell me the chances of me getting scholarships as well as admissions. I plan on majoring in either biochemistry or neurobiology</p>

<p>You’ll definitely get in! But you might not get any scholarship money. You needed a 1350 CR&M or at least a 30 on ACT :/</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p>Are you planning to be a music major? UM has a great music department, very competitive. Find NYsaxmom here on CC and ask her your questions. She is extremely well-informed on getting into UM as a music major.</p>

<p>Will do I’ve been considering double majoring in Music and Biochemistry although Im not sure yet</p>

<p>Hey team, </p>

<p>GPA 3.9 Weighted for junior year
Upward Trend
All A’s/A-'s junior year
Lived abroad my whole life
Top ranked school
-Math 760
-Reading 660
4 IB classes 1 AP class
School doesn’t rank
Applied Early Action
Varsity Sport Grades 10-12
Leader of Community Service Group
Other ECs
Apparently showing interest is important, and me and the international admissions lady have some pen-pal thing going.
Potential Majors: Studies of Navajo Feminist Literature post-Colonization,
Taxidermy, Bassoon, Bowling Technology.</p>

<p>But really, for you who know more about colleges than I do, what are my chances?</p>

<p>Thanks for the mention LINYMOM. Always happy to answer music questions. It can open doors</p>

<p>Does anybody with a 1350 CR+M automatically get a scholarship? Is there a minimum GPA requirement? Following sophomore year my GPA was a 3.5, but since then I’ve had a 4.0 unweighted. My current CR+M is 1330, but I destroyed the last SAT I took (Definitely 1350+/2000+). I have average EC’s (possibly less than average) and my course rigor isn’t that hard (although I go to a small school and there are not many hard classes available). I’m not even sure if I could get in… And if I did I probably can’t attend unless it was under $20K. How much money would be given for a merit scholarship like that?</p>

<p>(I realize this post is a couple months old. Don’t try and act like you caught me slippin’. 'Cuz you didn’t.)</p>

<p>@ThanksIKnow‌ I don’t know that you automatically get a scholarship, but I know that I got a good amount. My CR+M when superscored was 1410, highest without superscoring was 1400. My ACT score is probably what got me money - highest was 34. My only really good EC is my job, but I am taking IB. I only have to take out $12K in personal loans.</p>

<p>You’ll probably get in, but it’s harder to say for scholarships. It depends on your major, too. The music school is competitive, so you might not get money, or even admittance, there. I think you’ll get some money, but maybe not enough. It’s hard to say, though.</p>