Chance Me Please

<p>UW 2.60
W 3.10</p>

<p>2 years of Spanish
2 years of lab science
4 years math
4 English (w/ 2 years Advanced)</p>

<p>I will be taking the SAT and ACT in October. I know it's hard to tell chances w/ out these score but I think I'll do fairly well. I know the materiel, I just messed up my freshman year. </p>

<p>I was thinking of apply to CS San Marcos, San Jose State, CS Dominguez Hills, CS Northridge, SF State, and Humboldt State. Thanks In advance. My school has a partnership with San Marcos so that'll help a bit. </p>

<p>EDIT: I want to major in either BA or History. </p>

<p>Calculate your CSU GPA using this link: <a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU;
I will try to chance you without your test scores and hopefully your CSU GPA is at 3.0 or higher.</p>

<p>CSUSM: Safety
Dominguez Hills/Humbodlt: Match
SF State: High Match
SJSU: Low Reach</p>

<p>Repost when you get your scores. Your chances may change.</p>


<p>Thanks for the response. </p>


<p>i agree</p>

<p>CSUSM: Safety
Dominguez Hills/Humbodlt: Match
SF State: High Match
SJSU: Low Reach</p>

<p>What about CSUN? </p>