Chance me please??

<p>Intended major: Biology
Rank: school does not rank
GPA: 3.67 (out of 4.0)
SAT: 2120
ACT: 32
Junior year APs: AP US History, AP Language and Compositon
Senior year APs: AP US Government, AP Calc AB, AP Environmental Science, AP Spanish, AP Literature
Work experience: cashier for 2 years, one tutoring job in 10th grade for computer science, three current tutoring jobs in math and Spanish, various babysitting jobs
Activities: varsity golf team, debate team, FBLA, executive board of student government, junior and senior prom committee, piano lessons since age 5, marine biology club
Community service: 50+ hours preparing and serving food at local homeless shelter</p>

<p>Strong essays
2 very good letters of rec
Applied in late October</p>

<p>in-state or out-of-state??
in-state - should have heard back by now…
out-of-state - may take a while</p>

<p>hopefully expecting another admission wave before Chirstmas…Good luck</p>

<p>out of state…does it look like I have a good chance of acceptance??</p>

<p>Yes-a good chance! </p>

<p>absolutely - good chance</p>
