Chance me please!

Before getting started, I just wanted to note I had a poor first semester of junior year (D in APUSH, C in AP Physics, A in AP English and Bs in everything else) but turned everything around and got All As and a B+ in Physics second semester.

ACT: 33 (35 E, 29 M, 34 R, 35S
Rank: High school doesn’t track rank
GPA: 3.5 unweighted, 3.95 weighted
APs: English (5) USH (4) Physics 1 (3)
Senior APs: AB Calc, Psychology, Biology

Extracurriculars: Editor-in-chief of Illinois’ highest-ranked school newspaper (three years of participation), officer in Ambassador program (two years of participation), Community service club (three years of participation), Model UN (one year of participation), Cross Country team (two years)

Job/work experience: Worked two years as a sports camp counselor
Volunteer service: Worked 50 hours one summer as an aid for kids with special needs, go to a soup kitchen at least once a month. Ambassadors program is a community service group.
Essays and recs: One rec is from the adviser of the newspaper, he’s like a father figure to me. The other is from my APUSH teacher, who saw me go from a D to an A in his class and has told me how much he saw me grow as a student. I feel good about my essay as well.

Sorry if I didn’t include enough info, this is my first time doing one of these.

Your grades and ACT are solid. Your volunteer hours look forced as if you were just logging them, instead of something you had a passion for. The rest is good. You being from Illinois is a plus as The [_] likes to be diverse. I just accepted you.