Please chance me for the following universities:
- Harvard University(Applied EA, and got deferred)
- Boston University
- Georgetown University
- Vanderbilt
- Sarah Lawrence University
Female | International Student | Country: Pakistan
Intended Major:
Computer Science or Mathematics or Dramatics
Financial Aid Required: 80-100%
SAT 1: English: 680 | Maths: 670 | Total: 1350/1600
SAT 2: Maths Level 2: 770 | Physics: 770
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Scores:
Maths HL : 7
Physics HL : 7
Computer Science HL : 7
Economics SL : 7
French Ab Initio : 6
English Language and Literature : 6
Extended Essay: A
Theory of Knowledge: A
Total IBDP Score: 43/45
- President Dramatic Society: Assistant coach, co-directed and acted in a large-scale play (audience approx. 1200), lead character in a mime. | Duration: 4 years
- President IT Club: arranged weekly sessions to teach programming languages to students. | Duration: 2 years
- Social Welfare Club (President): Arranged donation drives for Earthquake Victims and cleanup project at a local village. | Duration: 4 years
- Taught girls at my village and taught dramatics at a government school in my village | Duration: 4 years
- Member of Environmental Club: gathered funds to host an Earth Hour event and campaigned against deforestation and global warming. | Duration: 3 years
- Breakthrough Junior Challenge: Filmed two videos for 2015 and 2016 on mathematics concepts. | Duration: 2 years
- ARSSDC 2016 (leader): Designed space settlement and managed teams. | Duration: 1 year
- Camping: Went camping twice, learned rock climbing, chimney climbing, repelling, airgliding rafting. Built a raft, set up tents, and learned to cross a river. | Duration: 1 year
College Essays: 10/10
Supplements: 10/10