Chance Me Please!

GPA Weighted: 3.61
SAT: 1210
Biracial (black and white) female
In state
Volunteer +ECs but no leadership roles
Applied undecided
No legacy

What major? Can u break out your SAT? How many AP classes

also, unweighted GPA?

University studies (undecided)
Reading:600 Math:610
4 AP classes, 1 Dual Enrollment

@Hokie_gl32 ^

UW GPA: 3.47


What are my chances at VT
SAT: math 630 reading 560 (I know It’s kind of low)
Uw GPA: 3.5 (school doesn’t use weighted)
2 AP
1 IB
Dual enrollment class
3 jobs (a lot of hours)
Good volunteer work
2 sports
Lacrosse State champion 3 Years in a row
Lacrosse individual awards
Wrote all 3 essay
Some EC’s

Someone posted this in another thread. Maybe it will help.

@collegesoon1221 you probably have the same chance as I do but idk what that would be

And your high school may be higher than the avg’s listed via that link, if you attend a “good” school and have lots of competition with your peers.

Someone chance me!
White Female In-State but NOT from NOVA
3.7 GPA
1060 SAT (I know it’s low)
100+ service hours
Cheerleading all 4 years of highschool
Clean disciplinary record
I applied to Criminology, hoping sense it’s not one of the more popular majors I’ll have a better chance with my SAT score:/ thank you!!

Someone chance me!
White Female In-State but NOT from NOVA
3.7 GPA
1060 SAT (I know it’s low)
100+ service hours
Cheerleading all 4 years of highschool
Clean disciplinary record
I applied to Criminology, hoping sense it’s not one of the more popular majors I’ll have a better chance with my SAT score:/ thank you!!

Someone chance me!
White Female In-State but NOT from NOVA
3.7 GPA
1060 SAT (I know it’s low)
100+ service hours
Cheerleading all 4 years of highschool
Clean disciplinary record
I applied to Criminology, hoping sense it’s not one of the more popular majors I’ll have a better chance with my SAT score:/ thank you!!

Recommend using the below link to view your particular major and the acceptance rates, GPA, etc. It will at least give you a idea of past results.

While your SAT is relatively low compared to other applicants, it isn’t terrible! VT’s average SAT scores range from around an 1100-1390, so you’re just about there. Your GPA is in a good range and you seem to have good EC’s. It will also probably help that you’re a legacy. Just stay positive and hope for the best! That’s all you can really do at this point anyway. Good luck!

@hokie1531 what do you think my chances are my stats are posted above…thanks

@collegesoon1221 what major did you apply for? If not engineering, I would think you have a pretty good chance. You have solid EC’s and they’re obviously not just fillers to make you look good. It will also help that you wrote all 3 essays because I know they’re super big on that. Unfortunately VT is supposed to be a lot more competitive to get into this year though since they have 5,000 more apps than they usually do. Good luck!

@hokie1531 I applied for business marketing,thank you so much for the reply!!