Chance me (Virginia Tech)

Hi everyone! First post ever because I am extremely nervous about getting into Tech. I submitted my early decision application last week. Here are my stats:

  • 3.1 GPA unweighted
  • 1260 SAT score
  • AP/Dual Classes (all highschool): AP World History, AP English 11, AP US History, Dual English 12, AP Statistics, Dual Government
  • I am in Pre-Calculus right now
  • 2 years of varsity lacrosse
  • 2 years of Environmental Club
  • 1 year of a female student mentor program (I am a mentor to a sophomore)
  • 3 generation legacy (dad, granddad, great-granddad)
  • 3 years of French consecutively
  • 2 years working for a local business (I am a night manager)
  • recommendation letter from my English teacher
  • possible consideration from family friend who is on a scholarship board at Tech


bump lol


What major did you apply for? Engineering might be tough with your GPA. I am assuming you are in state. Going ED was definitely a good decision and a good essay on the top five reason you want to be a Hokie will help. Good Luck and Go Hokies!

Are you in-state? If so, you have a decent shot. Most of the people I know who’ve gotten into tech have a similar profile as you. With that said, the majority of them weren’t engineering majors (which would be a reach for you).

ED was a good call. Best of luck, I think it’s more likely than not that you’ll get in.

I applied for Political Science major! Thank you!!

My son is very similar to your situation, a higher GPA but not much.He will be applying for Fall 2019

Please let us know how you do on getting accepted. Fingers crossed for you.

Did you find out yet?

I am going to assume a rejection since there has been no update. The GPA looks low regardless of residency or major.

Just trying to figure out my chances as I nervously wait; any advice welcome!!
GPA; 3.8
SAT; 1250( superscore) 1230 (reg)
black female
in state
Liberal Arts- political science major

Someone chance me!
White Female In-State but NOT from NOVA
3.7 GPA
1060 SAT (I know it’s low)
100+ service hours
Cheerleading all 4 years of highschool
Clean disciplinary record
I applied to Criminology, hoping sense it’s not one of the more popular majors I’ll have a better chance with my SAT score:/ thank you!!

I think people are not chancing you because it’s a very competitive pool this year and no one has any idea. Follow the link that has been provided in multiple threads to see what they took last year. And, keep in mind, apps are up 5000 this year. My son was in the upper middle 50th for another large state school and got rejected. You just never know.

@sharonn2 Here is the link:

2017 Criminology statistics: Average GPA 3.83, Average SAT 1163.