chance me please

<p>Asians, all they want to do is cut others down <em>cough Choi</em> </p>

<p>Although I do admit that SAT scores are a way of showing your test taking ability, it is not a show of how perfect you are for Harvard. I know people who have been rejected with perfect scores, and for the sake of humanity, Harvard is not for everyone. I for one do not know whether I want to go to Harvard because I've found an instate school that I really like. I will take back the comment I said about the stereotypical asians, but I do admit that about 99% of the people who are insecure about their scores and admittance chances are asian because they're the ones who put such an unholy amount of pressure on themselves to succeed.</p>

<p>^ Impressive Juan. You took back one ignorant stereotypical comment and replaced it with two.
"Asians, all they want to do is cut others down"
"about 99% of the people who are insecure about their scores and admittance chances are asians"</p>

<p>You can't just make generalizations like that! As I said, I scored well under perfect on my SATs and I don't feel insecure about myself at all. Explain to me why the heck you're making these racist remarks. Is it it just because you had bad experiences with Asians or that you're insecure...?</p>

I for one do not know whether I want to go to Harvard because I've found an instate school that I really like.


<p>How fake. At least Asians own up to wanting to go to Harvard.</p>

<p>Choi, did I hear you correctly when you said you scored WELL BELOW perfect? You scored a 2260 if i remember correctly, and I can assure you that a 2260 is not only NOT WELL BELOW, but an excellent score, and you shouldn't feel insecure about that at all. The point I am trying to make is the following.</p>

<li><p>A 2260 is NOT well below perfect. I would say an 1800 would be. And your other post, the one regarding you asking whether you should RETAKE the SAT to score higher?!?!? That is a perfect score-obsessed Asian.</p></li>
<li><p>Everyone on this site is obviously insecure about their chances otherwise they wouldn't post "Chance Me" posts and would just send in their application and move on with their lives without worrying about what's out of their hands.</p></li>

<p>and Cafesimone, I am not fake. I know what I want, and I am saying that yes I am applying to Harvard, but even if I do get in, I would go because it would be the best school for my desired major. Based on the school itself, I do not know whether I would go. I would not be one of those people who would jump in front of a moving car because Harvard rejected them though.</p>

<p>Lol I'm a vegan, atheist, fully black Hispanic with a 2290. I'm quite happy with my score, but I'll retake it because I'm a tentative math major. I'm I a score-obsessed Asian? Nope. Perhaps a score-obsessed Hispanic, but definitely not Asian. :)</p>

<p>I think the point that some of other posters were trying to make is that you should very well be insecure with that 1990, it's far below the 20th percentile of Harvard acceptances, race and "interestingness" notwithstanding. </p>

<p>I'd also like to add that I, too, come from a low-income family, work 40-50 hours a week to support that family, and was born in an obscure village in the Dominican Republic. Sorry if I'm boasting here, but I can't help but feel indignant at your sheer ignorance. Your comments are insulting. I can understand your frustrations with the frenzy the 2400 valedictorians that apply to Harvard, but, in the same vein that you are more than 1990 SAT, they are more than a 2260, or 2350, or published researcher. </p>

<p>The SAT tests general skills acquired throughout your education, but APs test mastery of knowledge. You got a 2 on Latin, and a 3 on the BC exam. Your SAT is also mediocre. You have not met typical Harvard standards in either one of those. Academia and test scores are used as a PRELIMINARY factor, all other considerations following. You are simply not up to par.</p>

<p>I hope that with interesting essays (and maybe some damn good proof of intellectual vitality) you'll be able to make it into Harvard - but stop it with the generalizations, and stop using your race, or low-incomeness, or particular situation as an explanation of "interestingness" or merit. Because they are not.</p>

<p>@warsai533: sorry I got so caught up in an argument I didn't actually chance you...
@Techy233: I'd he surprised if you didn't make it to Harvard... it seems like you're a unique student that has struggled through a lot of adversity to get quite far in life. Good luck :)
It's true I asked the people of this forum whether I should retake the SATs. I felt comfortable enough not to. With that said, I feel like I owe you an apology. An apology for the fact that my statements made you feel insecure enough to going through all of my posts in an effort to find dirt on me. In the future, consider spending your time doing more resourceful things, like focusing on school or working on college apps. Also, if you think "chance" threads are inconsequential, stop reading them and posting in them. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>choi, I'm also sorry you're an ill-equipped asian ****-ant.</p>

<p>good luck with Harvard!</p>

<p>and Techy233, I'd say you have a great shot at Harvard, but you should perhaps treat those with less of a chance with a bit more empathy.</p>

<p>oh and warsai, I'm sorry about all of this. I was trying to point out that you had as much of a chance as anybody, and some had to come forth and try to prove me wrong, and for that I apologize.</p>

<p>Actually, I apologize completely to warsai. Most of my post was directed at you, JuanEatsPandas, because it seemed like you were the OP as I kept reading the thread. I didn't make the distinction.</p>

<p>I will not be applying to Harvard (H is chemical engineeringless :( and I'd like a ChemE option) But thanks a lot Choi and Juan for the encouragement.</p>

<p>I was just frustrated at some of the comments made on this post. I'm sorry that I came off with so much condescension, but some of what you were saying was just silly. If you're trying to encourage the OP, do it without inferiorating an entire race or group of people.</p>

<p>Best of luck warsai. </p>

<p>And again, I apologize if I was pretentious or condescending. All my frustration was meant to be taken out on JuanEatsPandas for his obnoxious posts.</p>

<p>Juan - Asians, all they want to do is cut others down <em>cough Choi</em></p>

<p>You're speaking for millions of people. How wonderful that you've met all of them and know exactly the trait that is shared amongst every single one of them. May I then say that based on your obvious ignorance all Hispanics are ignorant pompous bigots?</p>

<p>Are there Asians obsessed with grades and scores? Absolutely. Are there Asians who aren't? Absolutely (although it may come as a shock to you). Are there as many white people who are obsessed with grades and scores? Absolutely. Hispanics and African-Americans? Absolutely.</p>

<p>From your posts, it's clear that you have something against Asians, for whatever reason I don't know. The Asians who did post in this thread have acknowledged that test scores aren't everything. So why do you keep ragging on that Asians are obsessed with test scores? What is the point, really?</p>

<p>to OP - Can't comment on the GPA because I don't know the system at your school. While your SAT I is not (but close) in the middle range of most applicants, your great SAT II scores, your impressive EC list, and your URM status will be plus factors. Make sure your essays are great too! Best of luck!</p>

<p>I apologize about the fact that some of you mistook what I said to mean that 99% of Asians are score-obsessed. I said that 99% of this SITE is score-obsessed asians. and I say this with the fact that every "chance" thread I go to seems to be an asian (most of the time).</p>

<p>I don't have anything against Asians, albeit I myself do worry about my scores as well, but I would never take the SAT again if I got high 2200s like some people because I see that after a certain point there is not difference between say a 2250 and a 2400 because those could just be your pencil slipping on some question or something.</p>

<p>I do acknowledge that the asians on this thread have gone on to say that scores aren't everything, even though I'm sure that over half of them have scored close to 2300 and have posted threads about retaking in which case they shouldn't say anything, and I do commend those who do acknowledge that. </p>

<p>I did not mean to start a bitter bashing over this, but you must also see my side in this argument that those who score amazingly on the SAT and retake it again and again for perfect scores, be they asians or not, are senselessly setting a priority on a test that is not weighted nearly so heavily as some think. </p>

<p>I'm sorry I got so far off track to this chance thread, I didn't mean to insult anyone (except maybe Choi). </p>

<p>Techy233: if you don't mind my asking, which colleges are you applying to for Chemical Engineering? MIT I would suppose :-)</p>

"I didn't mean to insult anyone (except maybe Choi)"</p>

<p>Ouch... I guess your still a little touchy about me chancing you at 0%? I actually do apologize for that - it was stupid of me. Listen bro, I really don't know anything about you. I just said that because of your retarded comments. Since you did give a half sincere apology, I guess it's forgive and forget?</p>

<p>agreed. It's not the 0% thing, I don't care.</p>