GPA: w=3.75 (9-12);w=3.93(10-11)
SAT I : 1920
SAT II : Math IIC : 780
Chem :770
Physics : 720
US history : 670
AP Grades: Calc AB =5; Physics B=5; Chem =5
-Couple of math/physics awards
-over 250+ hours of volunteering @ public library
-started with a couple of friends 2 new clubs : Indian Student Association and Physics Club
Major: computer science
<p>come on people plz help !!!</p>
<p>You are in. It looks like all of your stats are above and beyond the averages for UCI.</p>
<p>It’s not a lock because your GPA is slightly lower than average and your ECs are minimal but I think you have a good shot.</p>
<p>thanks guys and don’t worry about ECs<br>
i got a lot more than just starting 2 clubs</p>
<p>you are definitely going to get in. forsure.</p>
<p>thanks crimsonpham=)</p>
<p>yes you could totally get in
my sat scores and gpa was lower than yours
good luck :D</p>
<p>I defiantly think you will get in. Chance me back, click my name n find threads started by and it’s right there.</p>
<p>tommybarsett - a 3.93 is defintely not below irvine’s average…</p>
<p>Actually, yes it is:</p>
<p>[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_uci.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_uci.html)</p>
<p>btw, I don’t share the confidence of everyone else here that you will “definitely” get in, especially with the eccentricities of admissions this year. However, you are likely to get in.</p>
<p>i am certain that you will get in</p>
<p>Thanks guys</p>
<p>you should get in… i got in and you have better grades and more ec’s so you shouldnt worry about it</p>
<p>thanks guys
<p>BUMP please help me out</p>