<p>I would put the odds against you on this one and here’s why:
I don’t know what “elite, very competitive private school” is but a 3.3 UW is rather poor.
Furthermore, this “elite, very competitive private school” didn’t help you achieve a high score on your SAT. (If gpa you can explain, what are you doing to say about the score?)
2 AP’s and 2 honors is not a rigorous courseload.
I see no outstanding leaderships traits…</p>
<p>I am not specifically/necessarily addressing the original poster, and I do not seek to insult anybody, but I’ve noticed that most people preface GPA’s not quite up to par with the college in question by saying that they attend a prestigious/difficult/elite/private as if it could make up such a difference. Does anybody else notice this too?</p>
<p>i know my gpa is not the gpa of an average student at gtown, but it has increased alot, and i know for sure that a 3.7 from my school is not the same as many other schools in the area (both private and public), and my sats are right at the average of a gtown student, 1360/1600, so i dont know what i need to explain there</p>
<p>Well, it is true that private school kids can get away with slightly lower GPAs, but honestly, your SAT’s are kind of on the low end, your classes really aren’t that rigorous, and you have rather weak EC’s with zero leadership positions, so I don’t know if it would be enough to make up for it.</p>
<p>If you look up the EA results thread you’ll see more than a couple 3.9+, 2200+ kids with stellar EC’s, 6 AP’s, and state awards get deferred. It’s true that EA is slightly more difficult and that you shouldn’t spend too much time comparing yourself to other applicants, because your application will always be different, but I just wanted to be frank. You’ve still got a shot, but a smaller one.</p>
<p>By asking to be “chanced,” you are asking for the truth, and you must be able to handle said truth. So, please, do not hassle those who wish to be honest with you.</p>
<p>does your school offer a lot of APs/honors. if you’ve taken most of them that definetely helps. do you think you might play varsity lax there? (also helps). Although you don’t have any leadership (are you going to be captain for either of your sports?), your community service is impressive. if you conveyed yourself well in your essays and have really good recs then you have a chance. good luck!
p.s. also IMO stating that you go to a private school to explain a somewhat lower gpa is legit (although i am biased–i go to one myself, but our valedictorian only has 3.8 UW then the next three have 3.7s UW)</p>
<p>^but nothing is legitimate about the word “legit”. Sorry if this seems like a random and impertinent outburst, but I hate that word with a passion! Ugh! :)</p>
<p>My D got deferred with a 3.97 UW 4.66 W (honor & AP). 2100 SAT & 33 ACT. Good EC’s, and in the deferral letter, they said that only 10% of deferred’s actually get admitted. Look at the list of deferred early admits and compare stat’s, I think you can come to your own conclusion.</p>
<p>I don’t think so. I mean 1/5 is not that bad when you consider that so many people apply as a crapshot. If you weed out all the 3.5 GPA, 1800 SAT 650 SAT II’s, I’m sure it’s more like 1/4. If you continue to weed out the ones who wrote essays at 11:30 pm before they were due, weak recommendations and no extra curricular activities, I bet we’re at about 3/8. If you weight applicants by scores/ranks/GPA, I bet you can get like a 50% chance at a ~2200 top 5% of class applicant.</p>
<p>i cant figure out where to post this, but i saw chances please was the title of this thread…so i was wondering if u guys could help me PLEASE :)</p>
<p>I want to transfer to tulane…
i go to school at the university of hartford, and im a freshman.
at the end of the year i will have over 30 transferable credits, so i wont submit my SATs, which are kind of on the low end.
I have a 3.8 GPA, and the highest in my class is a 3.89, so im right up there.
I made the presidents list, which is different then the dean list…it’s b/c i had better than i 3.5 with six 4 credit class.
Im visiting tulane, and meeting my admissions person…
it the only school im really interested in </p>
<p>oh and money isnt an issue, i wont be asking for scholarship or any kind of aid or loans at all. - idk if that willl help my chances.</p>