Chance me please!

<p>Hi, I am a Junior from Illinois, I have a 27 on the ACT, a 3.01 UW GPA and a 4.01 weighted GPA I have lots of ec's, (student gov't, hockey, i am not going to list all clubs but I have things ranging from art club all the way to asian club) I have also worked 2 jobs and I i am going to apply very early to:</p>

<p>University of Minnesota
Michigan State
Ohio State</p>

<p>I will be applying to the education school at all of them, thanks</p>

<p>I think you’ll have a good chance in getting into Michigan State. Their acceptance rate is 70% so not very selective. :)</p>

<p>As for the rest, I’m too lazy to check up on all their schools, Ohio State has like 5 campuses & 1 institute… =_= But yeah, Michigan State, in.</p>

<p>Michigan State isn’t a very competitive school. You seem on-par for Michigan State, so I conclude with labeling Michigan State as “in” for you.</p>

<p>As for Ohio State, I would say in between match and reach. I’m not sure on how strong your ECs are, but the ACT seems fine.</p>

<p>You should be fine for all 3. try to get that UW Gpa up!</p>