chance me please!

<p>I plan on applying to George Washington U (ED maybe), U Penn (ED maybe), NYU, Boston U, American U, Rutger's U, Eugene Lang, U of Chicago (maybe)</p>

<p>SAT: 2030- 690CR, 690M, 650W
Sat II: Math 2, English (have not completed yet)
AP: (Only available senior yr) US Government and Politics, English, Calculus (have not taken yet)</p>

Rank: 8 of 148</p>

National Honors Society- 11, 12
Jam Sessions- (music club-im a music production major in high school)-10, 12
Academic Challenge Team- 10, 11, 12
Drama Club- 9, 10, 11, 12
R.E.B.E.L.- county representative- 10, 11, 12
community college courses- sociology= A, microeconomic=s A, macroeconomics (havent finished yet), newswriting (haven't taken yet)</p>

Cape Assist Award- Anti-Drinking Public Service Announcement
School Counts
First and Second Honor Roll
Congressional Student Leadership Conference- acceptance, didn't attend because of fee</p>

American Red Cross- volunteer
currently work 35 hr/wk</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
Entertainment Production 3
AP English
Physical Education
AP US Government and Politics
Spanish 4
AP Calculus

<p>George Washington- Match
U Penn-Reach
NYU-High Match/Low Reach
Boston U-Match
American U-Safety
Rutger’s U-Safety
Eugene Lang-Safety
U of Chicago-IDk…but I do know someone who get in with a 3.5.</p>

<p>You should like your chances at each school…I would do another EC though…but overall you have a great list.</p>

<p>Best of Luck!</p>

<p>the problem is that most of my school’s ec’s are in the same season (fall, winter). drama, rebel, and academic competition team are all the same time. would applying to U Penn ED increase my chances of acceptance?</p>

<p>Applying ED (except for last year which every schools ED pool was highly competitive) to any school should increase your chances…just make sure that you are financial able to…schools tend to be more “cheap” to admitted ED students since they have to attend.</p>