Chance me please!

<p>OOS(NJ). I was born in Colombia, moved here in 7th grade.
Intended major: Electrical Engineering
SAT: 760 Math, 560 writ. 620 CR
SAT II: Physics, chem, Math II all 800 (I'm not sure if they accept this but it could really help)
Weighted GPA: 3.64 weighted (2.9 freshman year and 4.005 soph/junior)</p>

Calc BC
Comp sci
I do track and I was part of many academic teams
I'm not sure if I can run D1 yet
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Your SAT I scores look okay but the applicant pool is more competitive for Engineering majors and OOSers. Your SAT II scores are incredible, but I don’t believe they take these into account for admissions purposes. Check their website to confirm this. What is your UN-weighted GPA?</p>

<p>My SAT I’s are likely going to improve. My unweighted GPA is 3.1 thanks to a terrible time trying to adapt to high school freshman year. I also think my teacher recs will help because I have straight A’s in math and science. Thanks</p>

<p>I had very similar stats (slightly higher gpa), and I got into engineering last year. It’s also nice that you have a upward trend in your gpa, colleges like to see that. You might want to talk about how you had trouble adapting to high school in your essay. I think you have a pretty good chance of making it in.</p>

<p>Should send your SAT II scores just for the hell of it. It won’t hurt you and you never know if it can help you</p>