<p>Currently working on my Application for BU. BU is my number one school, i have been researching it for a while, and the more i read and look at it the more i love it. I think this is a perfect school for me. I hope i am qualified to get in, but my big problem is my test scores. But anyway here are my stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.5 unweighted
school doesnt weight</p>
<p>top 30% not sure exact rank</p>
<p>test scores- ACT-21
i know this is horrible, im not sure why i did so bad, i retook them on the 23rd of october so hopefully my scores improve.</p>
<p>course load: 4 AP classes ( AP Lang, AP Lit, AP World History, AP Government)
1 honors class ( schools only offer 2)
advanced science for 3 years, skipped freshman science.</p>
<p>3 years tennis- 2 years varsity- 1 year captain
2 years national honor society- 1 year officer
3 years of leadership ( class) but outside of class we do 25 hours community service per year and many other in school and out of school activities.
short exchange program in france ( 12 days)
very involved in church, and have been in the same small group for 6 years.</p>
<p>i am applying for athletic training ( Sargent college) my essays are pretty good and i know i can get good recs.</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>I am also considering hospitality hotel management not just athletic training</p>
<p>1 last question- which is more competitive hospitality or athletic training.</p>
<p>Bump? Anyone please?</p>
<p>Bump? anyone please ill chance you back</p>
<p>the only thing really bringing you down is your ACT score. make sure to study a lot harder so you’re well prepared for them the next time you take it! other than that, everything else seems fine. you have a solid GPA, your course load seems pretty rigorous, and your extra curriculars are great. i wouldn’t worry too much about it. good luck on the ACTs, though!</p>
<p>You don’t seem to have any specific focus in your EC’s or course load. I was going to say since you took advanced science courses Sargent might seem better for you, but then I saw all your AP’s were Humanities based. Your EC’s are pretty general too. Certainly, you’ve got a good chance, no doubt. Just try and bring the ACT up, but otherwise you seem like a strong candidate for BU. Because across the board you’re good, I wouldn’t sweat it. </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1034030-chance-junior-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1034030-chance-junior-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the replies! But my problem is when i posted this i was planning on taking the December act, but i ended up not being able to take it ( personal reasons) and so i emailed BU and they said they cannot accept the February ACT. So now i am taking the SAT in January. What do you think i would need to be competitive for BU on my SAT and with subject tests. I am pretty worried about this test. And yeah i know my AP are unfocused but i never really knew what i wanted to do so i just took classes i was interested in, hoping to find something. My school also has fairly limited EC options. We are a big sports school but i played tennis year round. But as far as clubs go they were pretty limited. So i tried to get involved in what i could.</p>
<p>Understandable. BU will know that so like I said, it doesn’t matter too much. </p>
<p>You can easily find their average scores online.
[College</a> Search - Boston University - BU - SAT®, AP®, CLEP®](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>
<p>Score within there at least, basically. Though obviously, the higher the better.
What subject tests do you plan to take?</p>
<p>Right now i am debating between World history, Literature, Math 1 and French? any suggestions? Right now i am in AP world history, but it’s so early in the year still i don;t think i will know enough to do well, and for french we only have 3 years at my school and i am in 3rd year but i still don’t think i will do too well on that either. So i am leaning towards Literature and Math 1</p>
<p>My college counselor explained it to me like this:
“Take whatever you feel you’ll do best in”</p>
<p>You’re not applying to any specialized courses that require specific tests, right? If you think you’ll do best in Lit and Math 1, then do Lit and Math 1. Remember, the AP exams are a lot harder than SAT’s, so if you study with your AP prep books, even after only having half a real course you’ll definitely be prepared. (the only time I don’t really suggest this is in an AP science course like Chem and Physics, those are better to wait till the end of the year for. World History though, it’s worth a shot trying an SAT practice exam or two before deciding) Take a couple practice tests, see where you stand and gauge how much you can realistically improve for each, and then decide.</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice schadelbrecher!</p>