<p>3.7 UC weighted GPA (GPA has increased throughout the years)
550 CR
660 M
620 W
1830 SAT 1 total</p>
<p>Will have taken 7 AP's by end of senior year
Rigorous Senior year workload
660 SAT 2 U.S History
I will be retaking the SAT 1 in a few days
Have been in the college prep program, AVID, for all 4 years</p>
<p>Mixed Martial Arts fighter (6 years, BJJ, Muay thai, boxing, judo) Unprofessional Record 1-0
over 1000 community service hours (Charity/Church and Tutoring)
intern with a physician for 3 years till current time
Played piano for 4 years (some competition)
Have been working for 4 years</p>
<p>President of General Assembly Club
Executive Member of Board for AVID
High school Senate member</p>
<p>Essays are pretty strong</p>
<p>1st generation college
Faced difficult times dealing with family passings and illnesses</p>
<p>I am applying to all reaches: UCLA, UCSD, UCSB as a math major and UCI as undeclared. </p>
<p>Sorry its too vague, I can't remember it all at the top of my head. Thank you for your time.</p>
<p>Chance me also please:
3.7 uc gpa (Very bad first semester sophomore year 3.2 but improved to 4.0 + after)
<p>Good essay about my father’s physical abuse and how we did not want me to study.
200+ Volunteer hours (teachers aid)
Started fundraiser to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Member of BEWISE program for young girls in science
did a Oncofertility Cancer research Academy (very respected)
President and founder of Muslim Student Association at school</p>
<p>Applying to: UCLA UCB (I know these 2 are so unlikely but i thought why not) UCSD UCSB UCD and UCSC</p>
<p>I would chance you, but I feel like we are on the same page and I have no idea</p>
<p>bump anyone, I would like some input. I know my gpa is a big weakness</p>
<p>Your EC’s are really good. I know that the your SAT is around average for UCSD and UCD but definitely over UCSB’s and UCSC’s average. I think you have a good chance at those schools. I know that UCLA and UCB are really competitive (gpa average applying from my school is around 3.35 gpa) and Berkely is around there too. Your choice of major also plays a role in admission decisions. Pre-med/biology/engineering will probably be tougher for you to make it in. Good luck with college admissions, I am sure you will be fine!</p>
<p>bbbuuuuummmmppppp anything would be great hahaha</p>
<p>Dominic Like I said your in at UCSD, I know people with almost your exact stats from last year. CHance me please?</p>
<p>goreh i posted it up already
look up a few scrolls. And thanks for the feedback</p>
<p>Oh I didn’t see sorry haha. BTW never give up hope on the big 3 UCSD UCB and UCLA even with your low gpa, a great essay can make a big difference!</p>