<p>GPA: 3.8 unweighted, 4.6 weighted</p>
<p>Rank: Our school doesn't have rankings, but I'm about the 12th out of my 250 person senior class</p>
<p>SAT superscore: 750 Math, 720 CR, 800 Writing</p>
<p>SAT subject tests: Biology-730 Physics-720 Math I-760</p>
<p>AP Exams: U.S. History-5 AP Physics B-5</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
-Football: 1 year (freshman)
-Wrestling: 3 years (2 years varsity)
Considerable off-season wrestling<br>
-Local community service group for four years
-Key Club 1 year
-Song arranging for The Other Guys (a college A Cappella group)
-NHS for 2 years )
-Attorney on Mock Trial team my senior year
-Taken singing lessons for several years
-Lifeguarded for 2 summers, worked at my dad's furniture liquidation business throughout high school years</p>
-First Honors every quarter
-Vice President of NHS my senior year
-Received student athlete award for wrestling freshman year
-Nominated into National Youth Leadership Forum for Medicine</p>
<p>Essays / Rec:
-1 guidance counselor rec, 2 teacher recs (I don't know how good they were, I'm assuming they're good)</p>
<p>Senior classes:
AP English Literature & Composition
AP Physics C
BC Calculus
AP Biology
Lyrics (an Honors singing group)</p>
<p>I'm white. I'm from Massachusetts. Chance me.</p>
<p>JHU Stats</p>
<p>SAT Total: 2020-2300
SAT CR: 660-760
SAT Math: 690-780
SAT Writing: 670-760
ACT: 30-34</p>
<p>Given that you’re close to the 75th percentile in CR, above it in writing, and in range for math, I’d say you have no chance whatsoever.</p>
<p>You should look at some more realistic schools, like Westfield State or WNEC</p>
<p>Asnuntuck, class of 2013 baby!</p>
<p>Actually, I’d say your numbers are fine, I hear JHU doesn’t stress testing as much as curriculum and GPA–your EC’s like key club and football where you’ve done them for one year… I wouldn’t bother mentioning those personally but that’s just me. I mean, maybe you’ve put considerable time in those, I wouldn’t know haha. Other than that… good luck :)</p>
<p>This is the worst chance thread I have ever seen. The only bit of helpful information you included are your SAT scores and GPA. I got news for ya bud, the admissions process is holistic, meaning if you have good essays and recs, you will get in. However, a kid that quits football after one year is a weenie, and I read somewhere that JHU has a strict no weenie admissions philosophy. Again, consider WNEC or Westfield State.</p>
<p>ok… I actually laughed out loud, almost blew coffee on my screen. I think the only “chance” threads that would seem helpful is AFTER kids actually get in! I have read hugely impressive stats and ec’s and then watch as the kid is deferred or outright denied when decisions come out, especially ED.</p>