Chance me pretty please!

<p>First generation college student</p>

<p>Thinking of:

<p>3.69 GPA UW/ 4.41 W</p>

<p>School: public
rank: 61/940 (my school is pretty competitive), top 6-7%</p>

<p>SAT I: 690 M, 680 V, 650 W</p>

German 610
Bio M 600</p>

<p>Senior year courses:
AP Bio I and II
English, Calculus, gov and econ , physics, and german 5 honors</p>

junior: Euro, German</p>

<p>senior: Bio</p>

Odyssey of the Mind- 9 year participant (this takes up most of my time, averages about 15-20 hours a week over the entire school year)
5 time state finalist (state champs 2008)
3 time world finalist (8th, 16th, 13th place in the entire world woot!)
Renatra Fusca Award winner (award for outstanding creativity-state level 2008)</p>

<p>Tutor in english, history, and math (not paid), 3 hours a week
NHS member
2 time german honor society member
Softball player for 10 years (stopped in tenth grade because I was too old for my league, won home run derby in ninth grade in my league)
Volunteer at library (reads to little kids, helps with summer programs, shelving etc.)
Volunteer cleaning up creeks in my area (haul tires out of the creek, pick up trash, etc.)</p>

<p>awards: MLK "keeping the peace" award- school award for maintaining a peaceful environment in my school
School excellence in german award (out of entire grade)
Senior spotlight award (only 10 out of 940 students chosen)
again.. that renatra</p>

<p>Recs: really great
Essays: pretty darn good</p>

<p>I’d say your chances are very good.</p>

<p>Don’t forget the on-campus interview if you’re really serious about Muhlenberg.</p>