chance me pwease :)

<p>I am a sophomore in high school at a specialized charter school for Law and Public Service</p>

<p>Rank: 1 out of 350
GPA: 4.0 out of 4.0, 5.2 out of 5.6 <em>weighted</em></p>

<p>Freshman Schedule:
Honors Geometry: A
Spanish II: A+
Honors World Lit: A-
Honors Comparative Civilization: A
Honors Speech, Debate and Drama: A
Honors Biology: A</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule:
Spanish III: A+
Honors Algebra II: A
Honors American Lit: A+
Honors US History: A+
AP US Gov and Politics: A+
Honors Chemistry: A</p>

<p>Extra Curricular in School:</p>

<p>Science League for both years (need to be admitted, Captain)
Mock Trial (youngest member, county chair)
JSA (president of JSA)
Drama (Grease, Tempest (Trinculo) Fiddler on the Roof)
Cancer Club- Public Relations Executive
Urban Pages (Founder of Club, raises money and books for underprivileged schools (50,000 books so far)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular outside of School:</p>

<p>Internship with local gov't
Internship with County Republicans and Scott Sipprelle for Congress
Executive member of government committee responsible for spreading civic virtue (TAC)
-food drives, book drives, clothing drives, blood drives
-started a book called "The Teenage Initiative" to be published in one year</p>

Senate Page- 2011
Oxbridge- 2010
Princeton JSA- 2009</p>


<p>This application looks so impressive! I’d say you had a great shot at getting in…but I would only say that if I was a sucker who looked at this suspicious application without any skepticism.</p>

<p>-Urban pages club: 50,000 books?! Really?! As a sophomore?? That’s so impressive, especially for a high school student! But how come I can’t find any information on this phenomenal project when I dig through the internet?</p>

<p>-President of JSA: As a sophomore? Aren’t there general seniority rules? If your school has 1400 students (which I’m assuming because you have 350 in your grade), how come none of the 700 upperlassmen thought to be in that club?</p>

<p>-Science League: ^ditto, a sophomore as the captain?</p>

<p>-GPA: how do you have a 4.0 when you had an A- freshman year? I thought that an A- would be a 3.67 or something like that (unless your ranking is that all As, plus and minus alike, are worth 4 points)</p>

<p>-“Food drives, book drives, clothing drives, blood drives”: Did you run them or start them? Or did you just help out? Or did you only help out by donating to those drives (except the blood drive, you have to be 17 to donate, and as a sophomore I would assume that you are only 15 or 16)? Or did you just say that because you have a friend in each of the clubs which organized those drives, so you “ran the drives” by association?</p>

<p>-“Executive member of government committee responsible for spreading civic virtue (TAC)”: What on earth is this? And would they really have a MINOR as an executive member of a government committee? I had a government job when I was 15; I was a janitor for the municipal building. Were you in charge of a posse of teenage janitors? If you had a “government job” that was significantly above the level of being in charge of a menial task where you were paid by the government, then I highly doubt that what you were an “executive member of a government committee.” And what on earth do you do as someone who’s being paid to “spread civic virtue”?</p>

<p>My chances for you would be .0001%, which would be if that ADCOM was so dumb that they didn’t bother to look into any of the number of suspicious things listed in your godly resume.</p>

<p>Dude, what’s your problem?
You gotta first take the stuff called the S, A, T, s.
Then, you have to get some recommendation letters.</p>

<p>Oops… did you take the things called the A, P, s yet?</p>

<p>Dude, you are a sophomore.
Come back in two years.</p>

<p>Best of luck</p>

<p>Great chance! Match-- 50-70% assuming you get sat scores as great as your academics.
But seriously you never know until when you apply. Just keep it up. It’s too early for chancing.</p>

<p>thank you guys for your opinion, other than you^, i do have a life. i just have pneumonia, and i am extremely bored…</p>

<p>anyway, i can understand the skepticism, as i didn’t really embellish, well let me!</p>

<p>Urban Pages: we raised 48,578 books (rounded to of course 50,000) and a few thousand dollars too! we did all of this through temples, churches, schools etc. etc. the group is fairly new however, only two months! we received a huge shipment from our local Barnes and Nobles. but i assure by the time i am applying, there will be multiple newspapers and teachers to rely on for the organization’s validity. </p>

<p>JSA: there are seniority rules. i ran and i won at the end of freshman year against a junior girl, all by a slim margin of two votes. (politics baby)</p>

<p>Science League: if you are on the league for more than two years, then you are considering a captain, followed by the seniors with the most experience as presidents.</p>

<p>GPA: my GPA turns out to a 3.9992 with gym and whatnot, which my school conveniently rounded up. </p>

<p>Food drives: I ran one for my government position (ill explain in a sec hold on) and we raised 250 pounds of food. the other ones (four of them) i cochaired.</p>

<p>Blood drives: with NY/NJ Blood Services, got 123 people to donate a liter of blood. chaired by my brother and i</p>

<p>clothing drives: raised 400 coats and donated them to an orphanage in Panwar Province Afghanistan</p>

<p>look up TAC- Marlboro, and perhaps you will find out that it is a government committee responsible for community service, advising the mayor and spreading civic virtue (community involvement) in more than 600 teens; i am not paid, i was elected as the youngest member, the oldest being 19. </p>

<p>i have 200 hours of community service.</p>

<p>lmao 10423562303475349534 (lol, didnt attempt after the first 4 numbers), he did take an AP in 10th grade ;D look. APUSH</p>

<p>yeah, you need to take SAT danielvbanks. But good job for now (:
keep up the good work! you have a solid chance right now, from what your stats look</p>

<p>There is no seniority rule for JSA club. how would i know? because I’m in the JSA Cabinet myself</p>

<p>and debate is sometimes not a “hot topic” for people in the school. for example, I’m Co-President of JSA, and my school has over 3000 people. but not that many people go, because they only come for the conventions and such. lol. just throwing that fact in to you chillaxin :P</p>

<p>good job daniel again, but you should only post 1 chance thread (not everywhere)</p>

<p>2chillaxin makes an excellent point too. There seem to be many incongruities in this “excellent” app. Or we’re just haters.</p>

<p>Uhh… you do realize the average adult has about 5 liters of blood, right? 1 L is 1/5 or 20%.</p>

<p>Blood donors usually give 10% or a little less as opposed to the amount you cited. I volunteered at a blood bank thing at the mall a couple times, and that’s the number I was given.</p>

<p>You’re also like 15 or 16, so I don’t think you can even donate blood yet.</p>

<p>Watch where you’re going. Although you are not padding your resume persay, you’re toeing the line.</p>