<p>I am a sophomore in high school at a specialized charter school for Law and Public Service</p>
<p>Rank: 1 out of 350
GPA: 4.0 out of 4.0, 5.2 out of 5.6 <em>weighted</em></p>
<p>Freshman Schedule:
Honors Geometry: A
Spanish II: A+
Honors World Lit: A-
Honors Comparative Civilization: A
Honors Speech, Debate and Drama: A
Honors Biology: A</p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule:
Spanish III: A+
Honors Algebra II: A
Honors American Lit: A+
Honors US History: A+
AP US Gov and Politics: A+
Honors Chemistry: A</p>
<p>Extra Curricular in School:</p>
<p>Science League for both years (need to be admitted, Captain)
Mock Trial (youngest member, county chair)
JSA (president of JSA)
Drama (Grease, Tempest (Trinculo) Fiddler on the Roof)
Cancer Club- Public Relations Executive
Urban Pages (Founder of Club, raises money and books for underprivileged schools (50,000 books so far)</p>
<p>Extra Curricular outside of School:</p>
<p>Internship with local gov't
Internship with County Republicans and Scott Sipprelle for Congress
Executive member of government committee responsible for spreading civic virtue (TAC)
-food drives, book drives, clothing drives, blood drives
-started a book called "The Teenage Initiative" to be published in one year</p>
Senate Page- 2011
Oxbridge- 2010
Princeton JSA- 2009</p>