Chance me RD 2024!

Seeing a ton of these, so thought I might as well too. Yay bandwagons!

GPA: 4.547 W
Class rank: Top 5% out of 700+ students
ACT: 35
Three APs, but full IB student
National Merit Finalist
ECs: President of debate + captain of an event, President + founder of countywide democrat organization, NHS, NEHS, Mu Alpha Theta, interned for 200+ hours for multiple political campaigns, Interned at UN + state legislature
Essay: Wrote about fighting my school in order to speak out politically :slight_smile:
Major: International Affairs

I think that’s anything, thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

you have the Stats and you match up to the major you want. EC’s look good. the question is if they feel that you really want to go to GWU, or if you wanted it as a safety for other schools. good luck today

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