Chance me: rising senior with low gpa, high act, and extenuating circumstances

Demographics: White male in 11th grade, middle class, large Minnesota public school

Intended major: Strongly learning towards finance, also considering computer science

ACT: first attempt: 29 (32 english, 29 math, 28 reading, 26 science)

second attempt: 33(35 english, 31 math, 34 reading, 30 science)

GPA- 3.46 UW, 3.58W

Class Rank: Top 35% (barely)

Advanced Classes:

FR: Honors English

SO: Honors English, APWH(3)

Jr: AP comp sci(expecting 3), APUSH(expecting 4/5), AP Lang(expecting 4/5)

Sr: AP Stats, AP Econ, AP lit, AP Gov

Extracurriculars: Tutoring for three years, part time job for three years, a few intramural sports, 3rd grade basketball coach, some other misc. volunteering

Extenuating Circumstances: Missed approx. 7-10 days a quarter(35 in total) during my sophomore year because of a medical condition and that same condition severely affected my sleep during my sophomore and junior years—I was lucky to get 4-5 hours on most nights. I plan on going into my detail on the additional info portion of the common app. I haven’t done the math, but if you ignore my sophomore year then my GPA should be around 3.6 UW. My freshman year GPA was about 3.7, sophomore year about 3.1, and then year about 3.5. My condition was ‘fixed’ towards the end of my junior year and you can see an upward trend because I had a 3.7 GPA the last quarter. For schools like Madison, I’m just hoping for a waitlist so I can prove myself with my first semester grades.

Letters of Rec: Both speak highly of my work ethic, which should help because colleges will doubt my work ethic after looking at my GPA.


Safeties: North Dakota, Iowa State

Matches: Marquette, Nebraska-Lincoln

Reaches: UW Madison(In-state), Purdue, UMN-TC(In-state), Illinois— Urbana Champaign