Extenuating Circumstances

<p>Hello I am a High school senior in Minnesota. Unfortunately for the previous three years I have been chronically ill. Due to this I have missed large amounts of school (about half of school days) and my GPA can not be said to reflect my potential. This leads to the problem that I dont know how schools look at extenuating circumstances during admissions. My ACT score is 31 (36 math 30 science 31 reading 26 english 8 essay). My GPA is 3.55. I have AP scores of 4 on physics and 5 on Psychology and this year I am taking my classes at the U of M.</p>

<p>So if you could give me some insight on what level of schools I can hope to get into with consideration to the extenuating circumstance it would be greatly appreciated.
some schools I am considering applying to:
U of M
UW madison
University of Chicago

<p>You’ll be fine. Those are great scores regardless of extenuating circumstances. Just explain the situation, and it’ll make them seem even better.</p>