Chance Me: Rutgers business school [NJ resident, 4.36 W, 1330 SAT, supply chain or marketing]

US citizen

  • State/Location of residency: *New jersey
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Public
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional):
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.):

Intended Major(s)
supply chain or marketing business
GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
weighted GPA 4.36
SAT 1330
AP calculus 4
AP macro 4.
AP language 5
Taking AP stat, APES, AP Lit, AP psych, AP spanish senior year.
Internships in summer in marketing for a company twice.
Working part time at retail store.
President of animal club
vice president of Eco club.
Founder of dala science club.
member of NHS, Spanish honor society and Music honor society,
Released 2 original singles on spotify etc.
song writer, singer, guitarist, composer as hobby.
Singer in rock band locally. performed many times with band over last 3 yrs.
Main issue is a C+ grade in Algebra 2 9th grade and C+ Advanced US history
10th grade.
No Fin aid or loans

  • Safety (certain admission and affordability)
    Drexel and U pitt
  • Likely (would be possible, but very unlikely or surprising, for it not to admit or be affordable)
  • Match Fordham, GWU, Skidmore? and UW seattle
  • Reach- UC irvine,Stevens? UC berkeley.
    Northeastern, Barnard college,

Please chance for above colleges. Thank you

If you are knowledgeable and focused on these two majors, take Barnard and Skidmore off the list.

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thank you. can you explain ? barnard is not known for business i am aware . why skidmore?

I didn’t see a budget. Did you run the NPC for these schools?

For supply chain maybe add Penn State?

Were you already accepted to Pitt business? Nice option. Small classes and direct admission.

For the cost, I’m not sure your reaches are better than your safeties and Rutgers.

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I agree. Some of the matches too.

Rutgers Business School is very well regraded.

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Great schools - but for supply chain, look at Arizona State (safety), Michigan State (safety) and UTK (safety).

Why - they are the top three in the country year after year. MIT, Georgia Tech, and Purdue also rank high but not as high. if you’ve got UW or the UCs, why not those three instead?

You have really expensive schools on your list. The three I mentioned are cheaper and you won’t want for a job - companies flood them.

Why Skidmore - which is small?

UW might be a reach - it’s test blind. Fordham you’ll get into I think.

Drexel and Pitt are for sure. I think, except Skidmore and UW, you’ve matched yourself appropriately.

Good luck.


Not accepted yet into U pitt. submitted app on Oct 23rd. Is Rutgers an easy admit though with the stats mentioned?
Marketing major is also of interest.

Thank you!. want to stay on the coasts only. east or west. that’s why no midwestern schools on list. Also prefereing city vibe.
Is stevens or Northeastern out of reach?

I don’t believe there is a track for Supply Chain in Skidmore’s business program. The marketing program is more “marketing lite”- i.e. a good introduction to what marketing is, what is market research, etc. for a generalist business degree- but nowhere near the depth you’d get somewhere else.

And Barnard is just not the place to study business. Study philosophy, the history of the ancient world, literature, math, bio- plenty of wonderful things at Barnard. But not supply chain!


Not necessarily (especially if you apply ED), but IMO neither is worth almost 3x the cost of Rutgers.

@blossom has extensive hiring experience so maybe she can opine on prestige, career outcomes, etc at these three schools.

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Thank you. would definitely appreciate input from @blossom.
Rutgers is definitely in the running but not sure if she will get in with her stats

Applied EA to both stevens and Northeastern

UC-Berkeley is a reach.

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thank you. How about Irvine?

I don’t know about UC-Irvine.

UCs like high GPAs, but all UCs get a lot of apps. However, they may like the additional revenue generated from one paying non-resident tuition.

I am just giving a best guess regarding UC-Irvine.

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If she gets into both rutgers and U pitt, which is better for outcome costs aside? The size of rutgers and waiting for buses is a negative factor

Thank you. Interestingly, Literature is also another interest so applied to barnard for that. Trying to combine literature and maybe do business later…
Barnard was an ED.

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Very oddly, I have many happy memories of riding the campus connector bus (different large university.) Enjoyed waiting in the bus shelter, seeing the same fellow students day after day, chatting, perhaps a little flirting… Don’t let a bus, or a large campus, rule out an otherwise great school.


Thank you .yes. Got it.

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We loved Fordham the most out of all the schools we visited. Will be tough decision if fordham and rutgers and U Pitt offer admissions