Chance Me Sil Vous Plait<3

<p>GPA 3.888
6 APs total.
I'm taking 5 this year and I got A's in all of them for the first quarter.
I've taken the most rigorous courses in our school.
Extracurriculars: Competitive Cheerleading, Volunteer Work, Part Time Job, ICC President, Kickboxing</p>

CR 560 Math 600 Writing 600 Essay 10
ACT 26 Essay 10</p>

<p>I had an interview with the GW Rep and it went pretty well.</p>

<p>I'm from Hawaii and applying to GWU Early Decision I</p>

<p>I'm also considering American, Northeastern, Claremont, NYU, and Boston College and Boston University</p>

<p>University of Hawaii is my safety.</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>well nyu and bc are definite is claremont</p>

<p>how about GW?
That's the only one I'm really concerned about.</p>

<p>Yeah, you're going to need around at least a 2030 for BC and NYU. Anything less is a major stretch, and shows that your courseload/GPA are not accurate reflections of your real ability. It's not that you're not talented or anything, but try to get them up a bit and you'll be right in the mix. I'm not too familiar with GW, but from what I know, I'd say 50/50.
American and Hawaii should be fine. Except for U.Hawaii, (of course) you may have a hook to any school for diversity's sake. Try to get your SAT/ACT up and I think you'll get into at least one of your picks.
Best of luck</p>