Chance me - Stanford through Binghamton

Much easier to get into Ga Tech as female. There is about a 10 percent admission bump. URM should help significantly as well. Her SAT score is low for GT. How many APs has she taken and how many are offered? 3 APs is extremely low for GT unless that is all that she has had the opportunity to take. They will look for highest rigor. What is her unweighted GPA? Where does she fall in her class? All that will be considered by GT.

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We visited USD last summer and the campus is absolutely beautiful - one of the prettiest Iā€™ve ever seen. Based on your daughterā€™s academics etc. I think sheā€™d be in line for some good merit there.

It looks like she (you?) is thinking more deeply about what she wants.

I think you might be falling into the trap that a LOT of people fall into. My D and I did this back in the day. On paper, her stats look good, but stats must be considered along with other factors. A high achieving Hispanic girl will get a longer look, but itā€™s not a golden ticket.

I donā€™t think Brandeis is a safety, unless her high school Naviance shows that she will get in. The acceptance rate is 30%. IMO, a good match for sure, but matches arenā€™t safeties.

Emory, NE, BU, Gtech are all reaches. NE and BU have 18% acceptance rates these days. NE in particular is notorious for deferring, waitlisting, and for offering freshman a first semester study abroad option. This is so they donā€™t have to include ā€œundesirableā€ grades and scores in their data set. IMO, her SAT score is problematic for a lot of the schools on this new list. But, I donā€™t know how strongly the NHRP figures into it. Her score is great, but itā€™s not in the 99th percentile which is what a lot of colleges want.

NE and BU are also stingy with merit aid. USC has a few scholarships for tippy top students. Donā€™t apply assuming she is a shoe in for one.

USD is a beautiful school, but I am not sure it has the collegiate vibe she might be looking for. They had to require sophomores to live on campus. She needs a big merit scholarship. Santa Clara is interesting, quite up and coming. Again, she needs a big scholarship.

Whihc schools is she hoping to do flyins for?

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Academically it surely seems your daughters numbers are fine but I would definately confirm with Naviance. Also having her reach out to regional admissions officers allows her access to information as well as displays personal interest to whatever school she is applying to. In regards to athletics, she needs to decide if she wants to play in college then needs to review recruitment guidelines usually posted on that schools website. DIII is not very restrictive in regards to contacting the coach, put please review guidelines, its been a few years lol!

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I am pretty sure athletes can contact coaches of all levels any time, itā€™s just that D1 coaches cannot reply until a certain point, D3 coaches can reply at any time ā€“ unless lacrosse has different rules.

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