Chance me to UC schools?

Hello! I’m a senior and I’ve looked at all the freshmen stats for the schools I want to apply to but I still can’t seem to get a good feel of whether or not I’m being realistic. I’m prettyyyy below average compared to all the threads I’ve read on here but I still want some of your opinions. Thank you!
My reach schools are UCLA and UC Berkeley.

SAT I: 1370 on new SAT (I’m retaking, aiming for at least a 1400 before I settle).
SAT II: none
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: Not sure… I’ve taken all weighted except 5 (Latin I, Tennis, and Band for 3 years) and have made all As
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1
AP: 3 Human Geo, 3 World History, 3 Language, 3 Chemistry, 5 Stats, 5 APUSH, (Besides AP Lang because I was not blessed with the skills to write, I had not so good teachers for the exams i scored 3s on and I didn’t have the motivation to self-study my underclassmen years), 4 APES (self-studied). I’m taking AP Physics, Biology, Econ, US Gov, Calc AB, and Lit this year.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Valedictorian (?)

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):

  • Color Guard (10-12) Captain (12)
  • Section Leader in Band (11/12)
  • UIL Math team
  • National Honors Society
  • Tennis (9)

State (if domestic applicant): TX
Country (if international applicant): USA
School Type: Large Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 50-60K
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): first generation college, first generation (parents are immigrants)

I just need to know if I’m wasting my time stressing over UCs at all. I would really love to go to a UC but I’m more than happy to attend my safe school, UT Austin. I know I’ll have a much, much easier time figuring out how to pay tuition/fees.
thanks, again, for reading!

Being from Texas, and given that your annual family income is at $50-60K, the UC’s at $55K per year will be unaffordable.

The UC’s do not provide Financial Aid to OOS students.

Your instate schools are really good and they will be more affordable.

I think you’d need more strong ECs for Berkeley. It and plus your SAT is also quite low. Try to get in their 75th percentile+ to ensure an edge over other applicants. Chance back? @auntbea I would appreciate it if you can chance me as well

Thanks :slight_smile:

alright, thank you guys!