Chance ME to UPENN WHARTON- the king of Business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<p>-First Generation</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6 WGPA:4.3 ( Top 9%)
ACT: 31 (
Writing 11/12</p>

AP Government
AP Macroeconomics
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics
AP Spanish
AP Literature</p>

-Started a Latino Youth Organization for volunteering
-Won National Debate in Oratory
-Founded a Business club at school
-500+ Hours of volunteer
- LEAD BUSINESS Case competition: 1st place
-President: Spanish Club, Business Club, Latino Club
-Northrop Grumman Business Internship
-National Honor Society/ Spanish Honor Society
- Peer leader @ school
- Varsity Soccer and Varsity Volleyball- captain
-Questbridge Finalist</p>

-2 are excellent
- one if from assistant dean of business @ UIUC </p>

Preety damn good I must Say</p>

<p>sorry but at Wharton u stand NO CHANCE at all…its about .001%. :(</p>

<p>btw, i am hispanic if that matters</p>

<p>What was your ACT math and have you taken the SATII mathII? How are you doing in calc?</p>

<p>The ACT is a bit low but the URM will help … Wharton is a crapshoot, its hard telling who gets accepted and who doesn’t…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>even though your business ECs are great, the 32 on act math and overall low gpa may hurt you</p>

<p>well, I understand it would be a different thing to say u are getting into UPENN, which is still a reach for u, but understand that UPenn Wharton is SUPER Selective, even more so than Harvard.</p>

<p>ya, i think you have a decent chance for wharton.
your ACTs are a little on the low side, but you never know wharton i think.
also i think you might need SAT II
good luck to you!</p>

<p>please chance me too!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>DUDE, seriously, the LEAD program at UPENN looks amazing on your resume!!! I got denied on that program! Okay so here is the deal, my younger brother is trying to get into the LEAD Program, and that looks pretty kick ass, and I don’t know what to say to help him? Can you please give me some feedback on how to apply, he is Pakistani and pretty smart, nothing too amazing, however how did you manage to get in? Thank you so much for telling me. Now, for your application, Since you are an URM Latino, and you went to Lead, and won national competitions, and have good recs…I would say, that if you did ED that you have a 40% chance of getting in, which is better than a lot of people. I should say that your ACT may put you out of the running. Do you think you can chance me? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Thanks!</p>

<p>ACT Math is 32</p>

<p>I know a guy last year who got into Wharton with a 28 ACT, 1990 SAT- URM</p>

<p>Yes I will help your brother will LEAD Business ( btw, best 3 weeks of my life)
tell him to IM me @ djperez369 on AIM</p>

<p>Anyone else???</p>

<p>Hey djperez91, my brother doesn’t have IM when I asked him, is it alright if you just give me a private message on my profile or something? Just click on my name or something. Thank you so much, I really need your help. I really wanted to go myself, but got rejected, and i want him to go! Just message me please? Thank you Click on my name.</p>

<p>I would put it as a reach(sig. less than 50% chance, but def. a chance). And yes, being hispanic helps alot.</p>