Chance me: Top tier Universities-Penn, JHU and UT-Austin

<p>Hi ALL,</p>

<p>Well, I am going to be a senior next fall and I'm really starting to feel the dreaded COLLEGE PRESSURE. I haven't thoroughly researched all my options, but the following colleges are the one's that interests me the most: UPENN, U. of Chicago, JHU, Rice, and UT-Austin. </p>

<p>Now, I've been doing of lot of researching on the general admissions process of each of these universities. The usual concepts always surface: Gotta have a solid GPA, SAT scores, outstanding essays and EC's. I understand that concept very well, but I also realize that many of the applicants who apply to top universities have these STATS. How do admissions officers discern which students are right for their college? How do they single handedly pick every student, without acknowledging that the other cannidates are just as qualified? After pondering this information, I came to a unique realization: Most colleges have an Idea of what kind of students they want in their school, its obvious. Thus, in every application, the admissions committee looks for students who have the same qualities present in their university, or look for students who have unique perspectives/ ideals that can benefit their institution. In addition, diversity is a key point in a university and most try to represent as many minorities as possible. They also probably look for students who are outstanding musicians, athletes, leaders etc....Most importantly, they look for candidates who are unique, special, insanely bright and innovative; people who are truly going to change this world.</p>

<p>Perhaps, this is why thousands of numerically qualified students get rejected to universities and why other candidates get chosen. </p>

<p>I'm sure you all are all thinking, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what does this have to do with you or this forum?". The idea is, I don't know how I fit into the mold of each top tier school I've chosen. I haven't quite realized what my true passions are, and I'm not sure what I can bring to the table to a uiversity like Penn. All I know is that I have a 4.0 GPA with an impressive course load( I'll be graduating high school with an Associates from UT at Brownsville). I also know that I have a decent SAT score (1900-2000, I'm not sure because I just took the exam today, but that's my estimate). I am confident, and Intelligent. I know I can think further and deeper than other students my age and I am very driven; once I set my mind to something, there's little anyone can do to stop me. I am focused and mature, and I know that want to be a physician. I want to help others and learn as much as I can about the human body and all of its mysteries. I want to be able to communicate with patients on a much deeper level, and I want to travel the world using my skills and knowledge to help others ( I guess I do have a passion). I want to volunteer at a hospital, but I do not have the time or transportation, but will that make others think that I only want to be a doctor for the money? I hope not. After all, I do live in an underserved area with limited opportunities...</p>

<p>But how unique am I from the thousands of others who want to do the same? What makes me different? Is it because I'm an African American from Benin, Africa? Or is it because I am a student who thinks beyond her age? Could it be because I am a Saxophonist (first chair two years in a row and in the top band) I do not know, and quite frankly how will the admissions officers? I guess what I'm trying to say is "HOW AM I DIFFERENT FROM THE THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS THAT APPLY?"</p>

<p>That is where I am feeling pressure; to distinguish myself from others. To individualize my characteristics from the general population, and to make people see that I am not the average joe.</p>

<p>So, what do you guys think? Do I have a shot at any TOP TIER school? or any ivy leagues?
Here are my stats:
High School: Mathematics and Science Academy (For juinor and senior year); I went to another, less rigorous high school for my freshman and sophomore year.
-GPA: 3.7 Unweighted, I do not know my weighted GPA
-SAT: Recent score 1870, but that's subject to change once I receive the results from the SAT June test.
-Course load: Five years of math (Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-calculus and Calculus). Once again thatÂ’s going to change to 6 years/semester of math because I am taking statistics next fall.
-4 Years of literature (English I and II, Comp I and II) (subject to change)
-4 Years of Biological Science
-4 years of History/social studies (World geography and history, US History 1 and 2)
-3 years of a foreign language(French)
Rank: (9/83) so i'm not quite in the top 10%<----subject to change determining on the number of incoming juniors next year.
Certifications/Qualifications: Microsoft Office specialist, and computer software specialist.
EC's: Music, jazz and (track & field<---(sophomore year))
-Outstanding Musician (freshman, sophomore year)
-First place in Solo and Ensemble performance
-First chair saxophonist in the first band (freshman and sophomore year, and in middle school<---(though I don't think middle school counts)
-consistently made A honor roll or A/B honor</p>

<p>-Things I will do this summer to beef up my resume:
*Summer medical program
*Volunteer: As stated in the first post, I live in an underserved area, so *opportunities are scarce; however if I find opportunities at the local hospital, I will definitely take this advantage.
*Running for class president
*Biomedical research and publication<----I got this internship but Its starts next fall, not in the summer.</p>

<p>Intended college major/minor: Mathematics/ biology</p>

I am from Benin, West Africa (as stated in the initial post)
I live in an area that is predominately Hispanic/Mexican (about 80%)
I am passionate about medicine, I am driven and I am seeking to extend my knowledge to help others.
I love music! It's the language I speak best.</p>