[Chance Me] Trying to (maybe) calm my nerves a bit about my stats

Demographics: In-State African American Male (First gen, my parents immigrated here from Nigeria. neither finished college and only my mom got a high school degree)

Intended Major(s): Statistics or Data Science with a Minor in Econ.

ACT: 29 (24 in Math, 25 in reading, 32 in science, 35 in English; no essay)
SAT: 1280 (690 in reading/English comprehension; 590 in Math)
UW/W GPA and Rank:** UW: 3.93, W: 4.02. Ranking 33/465

Coursework: 3 APs (AP Lang - 4, APES - 4, and currently taking AP Psych), 6 dual enrollment courses (taking all this year), 11 honors classes

Awards: GA governor’s Honors Program State level.

College Board’s National African American Recognition Program (I’m not sure if this is worth anything)


First Chair Cello in Orchestra (I’ve been the first chair since 9th grade and orchestra takes up the majority of my time since middle school)

A/V technical Volunteer work at my Church

Though I’m not a girl scout I assisted a friend with the more technical and literary aspects of her Gold Award.

Essays: 9/10 - Really insightful personal essay, I think it shows off my thought process and character and why I wish to pursue higher education. It was peer-reviewed by a few friends and teachers.

LORs: 9/10 - I have two teachers that I can guarantee good letters for and one more teacher from my precalc class that could also potentially give a good review of me.

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What are you STEM grades in high school? And what level math did you take so far? If you are an intended Stat/DS major, and show a 24 Math on the ACT, the college needs to feel comfortable that you won’t come in and struggle in whatever you intend to major in.

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I’ve gotten A’s in every Math and Science (with the exception of chem in 9th grade with an 89 due to us leaving school early for Covid so I never took the final) class I’ve taken. I got up to precalc in 11th. And I’m taking college stat this year (my school doesn’t offer AP statistics)

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Are you taking any calc before you leave high school?

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Umm no not currently. Calc isn’t covered in my dual enrollment payment and my family can’t afford for me to take it extra. My math next semester was College Algebra.

ok. I am sure you will be fine. If you have a choice consider analysis rather than algebra. That may help you better in calculus when you are required to take it anyway. Both analysis and algebra (I assume abstract algebra) are hard by the way. Best of luck.

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Have you calculated your UGA GPA? (see the UGA blog for guidance)
Did you take the most rigorous classes available at your high school through your junior year?
Are you from a rural area or at least outside of metro Atlanta?

Be prepared for possible deferral for a further holistic review due to the relatively low number of APs. One annoying thing about the UGA GPA calculation is it adds weight to AP/IB courses but not to honors or dual enrollment. So your UGA GPA may look a bit on the low side due to that. Which sounds crazy since your 3.93 is a great UW GPA! On the positive side, UGA places the most weight on GPA (as opposed to test scores) and you are in the top 10% of your class, which will be noticed in a holistic review with your school profile.

Best of luck! I hope you get great news on Friday! :heart: :black_heart:


the one thing to note is my school actually doesn’t have that many APs. We have 16, and really only 12 this year (there weren’t enough students that wanted to take AP bio, Physics, and a few others for us to have a class in those).

College Algebra isn’t Abstract Algebra. I am confused because College Algebra is lower than Pre Calc.


In that case OP should stick with College Algebra rather trying Analysis.

Hopefully your school profile or GC LOR mention the limited APs available to you. In the event you are deferred, that will be taken into consideration in the more in-depth holistic review that happens after EA admittances. EA admits are primarily based on academics and deferrals get a full holistic review. I hope this doesn’t read as discouraging. You are a great student. I just want to prepare you for the possibility based on what I’ve seen in the past with students with a lot of dual enrollment classes or few AP/IBs that get no weighting on the UGA GPA calculation.

Being a first generation student and an under represented minority will both help a lot in a holistic review. EA admissions are largely very high stat, and your GPA/ACT and APs may not be strong enough for an admission on Friday. I do feel like you would do well in a holistic review, particularly if you are not from a highly populated area.

Given the jump of 21% in application numbers for EA, the admissions office has warned applicants to be prepared for a deferral. If you do get deferred, I think a holistic review will benefit you for March admission. Good luck!

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College algebra is usually a course that partially duplicates high school precalculus, so it does not seem to be that worthwhile to take after completing precalculus. However, it may be needed if your precalculus course did not cover the material well.

rurci3 may help you check your readiness for calculus.

URM status is not considered at U Georgia.

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Wow. Interesting.

Many public universities no longer consider ethnicity/race. What’s interesting is that GTech does consider race/ethnicity, so it’s not something that is true across all public schools in Georgia, the way it is in CA and MI.


Yes. And Georgia Tech talks about it a lot so I assumed that UGA was the same. Didn’t realize there was a difference.

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