Chance me... U. of Michigan, Cornell, Bucknell

<p>I'm trying to figure out what is right for me and most importantly, where I will get accepted.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.7W
SAT: 590cr
(possibly taking again)</p>

<p>SAT II: Math I (est. 700 +) taking in fall
German: (est. 700+) this fall</p>

<p>Basically all courses are honors or AP</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:</p>

<p>AP Psychology
AP Physics
AP BC Calculus
(H) Euro Lit
Arch Draw

<p>i hope you have a few ECs senor</p>

<p>what's your uw gpa?</p>

<p>EC's: basketball
in. sports
principals advisory council
two summers in Goethe Institute in Vienna</p>

<p>3.8 W</p>

<p>Mich- in
Cornell- reach (need to raise test scores)
Bucknell- IDK</p>

<p>3.8 uw * ^^^</p>

<p>UMichicgan: Maybe/Unlikely
Cornell: REJECT
Bucknell: Maybe</p>

<p>Anyone know other good engineering schools i have a chance at</p>

<p>If you are in-state at UM you have a shot, but OOS scores below avg., so i'd say in that case you would be a slight reach. I suggest picking up a college guidebook (ex: Princeton Review 361 Best Colleges), and then comparing your stats with those listed under colleges in the book. I found the descriptions of colleges to be very helpful, and that will give you an idea of where you have a shot at getting in. Be advised that engineering is a very competitive major at nearly every school. However, for gen. admis., it should lead you the right way. best of luck.</p>

<p>i have to agree with NEED to bring your SAT scoores up</p>

<p>esp. for engineering, michigan and cornell are up there w/ the "cream of the crop"</p>