Chance me UCLA and UCI

I just finished sophmore year so I don’t have much (haven’t taken SAT or ACT yet) but I’d like some advice and I’d like to know if i’m on the right track.

UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.33
UC GPA: 4.29

PSAT (I didn’t study): 1110/1530

EC: (I don’t have much but i’m trying to be more involved)
-ill join Key club (11-12)
-volunteer at animal shelter
-trying to get a job (applied) so i can buy parts to build a computer
-dance for 1 year
-took art classes for 4 yrs (will be 6 at the end of senior yr)
-piano for 1 year
-participated in ECHO (business competition)
-tutor my sister
-might join robotic club (competes)
-teaching myself french (plan to take the AP)

APs (I have taken and will take): AP US History, AP Euro, AP lit, another AP english, AP calc ab, AP spanish, AP studio art, maybe AP computer science

honors classes: chemistry, english 5-6 (sophmore yr), anatomy, precalc

Asian female, live in SoCal
Might major in digital art or architecture

In the PACE program at LB Poly high school

It’s too early to chance you. Your UC GPA is only half way complete (as you don’t have Junior year grades yet), plus you haven’t taken SAT or ACT yet. Academically I think you’re on the right track. For EC’s, don’t join a bunch of stuff just to put it on your application. Instead

focus your efforts on a few activities. Try to get leadership roles in those activities too

so do you think the ECs i have are fine? and the amount of APs im taking?

Your amount of AP’s is fine. For EC’s I would suggest going for a leadership role (maybe in a club?), and maybe do something geared towards your major like a summer internship or something. The biggest advice I can give you for EC’s is to not spread yourself thin. Do what you enjoy and get involved in it.

If i were you, I would sit down and see which types of questions you missed for the PSAT (maybe take a practice test too). A 1110 isn’t really amazing TBH and a lot of people can even get in the 1400s without studying. If you want to maximize your potential I would buckle down, when you have time, to study for the PSAT (national merit is nice to get), and same for other standardized tests. Good luck!